Professors: H. Aquinis, J. Bailey, A. El Tarabishy (Teaching), D.C. Kayes (Chair), C. Tosun, L. Yu, N. S. Hill

Associate Professors: L. Delpy Neirotti, S. Levy (Teaching), P. McHugh, M. Ormiston

Assistant Professors: D. Falchetti, M. Geisler (Teaching), K. Frey (Teaching),J. Suh (Teaching)

Explanation of Course Numbers

  • Courses in the 1000s are primarily introductory undergraduate courses
  • Those in the 2000s to 4000s are upper-level undergraduate courses that also may be taken for graduate credit with permission and additional work assigned
  • Those in the 6000s and 8000s are for master’s, doctoral, and professional-level students
  • The 6000s are open to advanced undergraduate students with approval of the instructor and the dean or advising office

MGT 1099. Variable Topics. 1-36 Credits.

MGT 3201. Leadership in Action. 3 Credits.

Leadership in organizations and society. Consideration of whether leadership is a personal trait or a structured behavior and whether it is universal across domains or situation-specific. Modern and historical examples; issues of leadership in popular contexts.

MGT 3202. Managerial Negotiations. 3 Credits.

Negotiation concepts, strategies, and tactics as applied to managerial situations. The nature of interdependencies; competitive and collaborative negotiations; negotiations involving third-party dynamics, such as mediation and arbitration. Employee relations, including employee rights; the impact of unions and collective bargaining on management practices.

MGT 3203. Advanced Human Resource Management. 3 Credits.

The labor force and labor markets. The legal environment of human resource management. Human resource planning; employee recruiting, selection, training, development, compensation, motivation, discipline, health and safety. Prerequisite: BADM 3101.

MGT 3204. Contemporary Topics in Management. 3 Credits.

Contemporary practice in human resource planning, recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, compensation and benefits, employee relations, and international human resource management. Interaction with practitioners through actual situations, case analyses, and presentations. Prerequisite: BADM 3101.

MGT 3300. Entrepreneurship. 3 Credits.

Students develop the knowledge and ability to launch their own venture. The entrepreneur and the process of entrepreneurship; key aspects of entrepreneurial success, from idea generation and development to launching a firm. Practical skills applicable to real-world scenarios.

MGT 3300W. Entrepreneurship. 3 Credits.

Students develop the knowledge and ability to launch their own venture. The entrepreneur and the process of entrepreneurship; key aspects of entrepreneurial success, from idea generation and development to launching a firm. Practical skills applicable to real-world scenarios. Includes a significant engagement in writing as a form of critical inquiry and scholarly expression to satisfy the WID requirement. Same As: MGT 3300.

MGT 3301. Small Business Management. 3 Credits.

Theory and practice of entrepreneurship. How to start or acquire a new business; effective management, including the essentials of planning, organizing, financing, marketing, and controlling the smaller enterprise. Students consult with a small DC-area company as part of a team research project. Prerequisites: MGT 3300W or permission of the instructor.

MGT 3302. e-Entrepreneurship. 3 Credits.

The process of turning a web, mobile, or wearable business idea into a validated, repeatable, and scalable business model using lean startup methodologies; testing and user feedback, technology basics, promotions, and tracking core metrics. Permission of the instructor may be substituted for the prerequisite. Prerequisites: MGT 3300 or MGT 3300W.

MGT 3303. Women's Entrepreneurial Leadership. 3 Credits.

Students create and execute a business plan while developing essential skills, mentoring relationships, and self-confidence and self-insight.

MGT 3305. Human Capital Sustainability. 3 Credits.

Managerial challenges associated with creating sustainable employment relationships using concepts from human resource management, labor relations, organizational behavior, and entrepreneurship; how markets, management practices, collective bargaining, and public policy affect human capital sustainability.

MGT 4003. Management of the Growing Entrepreneurial Venture. 3 Credits.

Examination of the data, dilemmas, and decisions that can confront leaders of post-startup entrepreneurial ventures.

MGT 4008. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Practicum. 3 Credits.

Explore and examine the motivations and reasons to become an entrepreneur leader. Permits students to apply the concepts, principles, and techniques learned in the classroom. Gain practical experience in a field of innovation and entrepreneurship. Prerequisites: Instructor approval required; subject to the review of the proposed learning opportunity (employment).

MGT 4082. New Venture Initiation. 3 Credits.

Explores entrepreneurship theory and practice to develop entrepreneurial skills, including the essentials of planning a new business venture (product, process, or service) both within and outside organizations. Recommended background: MGT 3300.

MGT 4084. Family Business. 3 Credits.

Leadership and relationships and their connection to the ownership, governance and management of the family business. Case studies and guest speakers cover ownership legacy, sibling rivalries, professionalism, succession, and strategic planning.

MGT 4085. Social Entrepreneurship. 3 Credits.

Social entrepreneurship is concerned with the utilization of business entrepreneurial skills as a means of creatively responding to societal problems. Challenges and opportunities reviewed in the public, private, and third sectors of our society. Recommended background: MGT 3300.

MGT 4086. Creativity and Innovation. 3 Credits.

Explore the theories of creativity and innovation, read and analyze seminal works on the topic of creativity and innovation, and review business cases articulating various examples of business innovation and creativity.

MGT 4900. Special Topics. 3 Credits.

Topics vary by semester. May be repeated once for credit provided the topic differs. Consult the Schedule of Classes for more details. Restricted to juniors and seniors with departmental approval.

MGT 4900W. Special Topics. 3 Credits.

Includes a significant engagement in writing as a form of critical inquiry and scholarly expression to satisfy the WID requirement.

MGT 4995. Independent Study. 1-4 Credits.

Students undertake research in an area of particular interest under the direction of a management faculty member. Faculty and department chair approval are required prior to enrollment.

MGT 5099. Variable Topics. 1-99 Credits.

MGT 6210. Leading Teams. 3 Credits.

Knowledge and skills for effectively leading teams. Setting up teams for success, promoting effective team dynamics, and other leadership issues for contemporary teams that operate in a global, digital environment.

MGT 6211. Emerging Topics in Human Resource Management. 3 Credits.

Students learn the right questions to ask to guide HR analytics, as well as the analyses and data required to answer these questions. Emphasis on using the results to drive effective organizational change. Restricted to graduate students.

MGT 6215. Conflict Management and Negotiations. 3 Credits.

The nature and sources of conflict and interdependence in social and organizational dynamics. Various means of resolving conflict, including the use of competitive and collaborative negotiations and mediation. Case discussion, exercises, role-playing, and simulation. Managers as mediators and negotiators.

MGT 6218. Human Capital and Talent Acquisition. 3 Credits.

Designing, implementing, and evaluating data-based practices to recruit and select new organizational members at all levels (e.g., entry-level, managerial, and executive) with the goal of bringing the best possible talent into an organization. Restricted to graduate students.

MGT 6252. Strategic Human Resource Management. 3 Credits.

Strategic International and domestic applications of human resource management functions. Selection, preparation, compensation of managers and executives to think critically about HR in a global environment.

MGT 6253. Leadership and Executive Development. 3 Credits.

The required skills, knowledge, and abilities for effective executive leadership in organizations. Contemporary and classical leadership theories and research approaches.

MGT 6255. Leading the Virtual Workforce. 3 Credits.

Students learn key skills needed to effectively lead the virtual workforce, where employees use technology tools to interact across distances. Overcoming challenges of and leveraging opportunities for virtual work. Restricted to graduate students.

MGT 6257. Performance Management and Development. 3 Credits.

The design and implementation of effective and successful performance management systems; measuring and developing the performance of individuals and groups and aligning performance with an organization’s strategic objectives.

MGT 6259. Employment Law and Ethics. 3 Credits.

The interaction of legal requirements and personal ethics on managerial decisions affecting employment. Topics include discrimination, collective bargaining, worker’s compensation, occupational health and safety, and wrongful discharge.

MGT 6270. Consulting Processes. 3 Credits.

Theories and methods of planning, introducing, and coping with change in management through the helping process. Intended both for managers seeking an understanding of the consultative approach to planned change and for persons in staff or consultative roles seeking understanding of the consultative process.

MGT 6271. Consulting Practicum. 3 Credits.

Instruction in and application of integrative problem solving, team work, client relationship, and communications skills required to be a successful management consultant. Students gain practical experience through a team-based assignment consulting for a client. Prerequisite: MGT 6270.

MGT 6277. Critical Thinking Skills for Executive Leadership. 3 Credits.

Theory and practice of critical thinking; how it differs from other types of thinking and other executive leadership competencies; approaches known to improve thinking skills.

MGT 6280. Entrepreneurship. 3 Credits.

The entrepreneur as a phenomenon. Theory and experiences associated with entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial acts, and entrepreneurship in all organizational settings—large, small, public, and private.

MGT 6281. Small Business Management. 3 Credits.

The start-up process and management of small firms. Field projects involve student teams as consultants to local businesses. Case studies. Emphasis on total customer service, international opportunities, and minority and women’s issues.

MGT 6282. New Venture Initiation. 3 Credits.

Essentials of planning a new business venture. Sources of financing, evaluation of alternative new business ventures, and analysis of business functions. Creating and analyzing the business plan.

MGT 6284. Family Business Management. 3 Credits.

Challenges of managing a family business: risk strategies; successor development and succession planning; stages of family business growth; family motivations and goals. Field projects provide hands-on experience.

MGT 6285. Social Entrepreneurship. 3 Credits.

Theory and practice of social entrepreneurship. The power and limits of social entrepreneurship as a tool for creating sustainable and scalable social impact. Recommended background: Prior completion of MGT 6280, Entrepreneurship.

MGT 6286. Creativity and Innovation. 3 Credits.

How organizational culture encourages or discourages creativity in individuals and teams and how organizational policies support or undercut innovation. Methods for developing and strengthening creative ideas and innovative action. Factors such as breakthrough design that encourage creativity and support innovation. Students examine and assess, on both personal and organizational levels, the bases of and propensity for creativity and innovation.

MGT 6287. Women's Entrepreneurial Leadership. 3 Credits.

Students create and execute a business plan while developing essential skills, tools and mentoring relationships.

MGT 6290. Special Topics. 3 Credits.

Experimental offering of new course topics and teaching methods. May be repeated once for credit.

MGT 6297. International Management Experience. 3 Credits.

Same as FINA 6297/ IBUS 6297/ MKTG 6297/ SMPP 6297. May be repeated for credit.

MGT 6298. Directed Readings and Research. 1-6 Credits.


MGT 6299. Thesis Seminar. 3 Credits.

MGT 6999. Thesis Research. 3 Credits.

MGT 8382. Foundations of Organizational Behavior and Development. 3 Credits.

The individuals and institutions central to the field of organizational behavior and development. Students read about, meet with, and discuss the work of persons central to the development of the field. Restricted to candidates in the PhD in organizational behavior and development program or with permission of the instructor.

MGT 8383. Field Research in Organizational Settings. 3 Credits.

Applications of field research techniques in formal organizational settings. Examination of the logic of inquiry and techniques of qualitative data collection. Intensive interviewing and participant observation in field settings are emphasized. Credit cannot be earned for this course and SOC 6240.

MGT 8385. Special Topics in Research Methods. 3 Credits.

Research problems and issues related to student dissertations form topics for readings, group discussions, and assigned papers.

MGT 8386. Management Ideas in Progress. 3 Credits.

Doctoral students work with a variety of faculty members as they develop new ideas, research projects, and engage in seminal inquiry. The content and structure of the course depends based on the instructor. Restricted to students in the PhD in organizational behavior and development program or with permission of the instructor.

MGT 8390. Philosophical Foundations in Administration Research. 3 Credits.

Philosophy of science as applied to research in administration. Topics include the nature and current problems of epistemology, the development and role of theories, and the relationship between theory, methodology, and empirical data.

MGT 8391. Adv Prob-Research Methodology. 3 Credits.

Use of models and theoretical frameworks in research; formulation of research questions, hypotheses, operational definitions, research designs, sampling and data analysis approaches. Restricted to doctoral candidates who have completed the general examination and all courses, and are preparing for their dissertation.

MGT 8397. Advanced Special Topics. 1-3 Credits.

Current research and scholarly issues in management science.

MGT 8998. Advanced Reading and Research. 1-12 Credits.

May be repeated for credit. Restricted to doctoral candidates preparing for the general examination.

MGT 8999. Dissertation Research. 1-12 Credits.

May be repeated for credit. Restricted to doctoral candidates.