The curriculum consists of prerequisite, core, and elective courses. Excluding prerequisite courses, 18 credits are required for the minor; at least 9 of those credits must be in courses not required but could be taken as electives, for the major.

Students must have a grade-point average of 2.2  or above in required and elective ECE courses taken for the minor to fulfill minor requirements.

The following courses must be completed before beginning the minor program.
APSC 2113Engineering Analysis I 1
ECE 1120C Programming for Electrical and Computer Engineering
PHYS 1022University Physics II 1
or PHYS 1026 University Physics II with Biological Applications
ECE 2110Circuit Theory
ECE 2115Engineering Electronics
ECE 2140Design of Logic Systems
Two courses selected from the following for a total of at least 6 credits:
ECE 3130Digital Electronics and Design
ECE 3135Digital Design with Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
ECE 3220Introduction to Digital Signal Processing 1
ECE 3310Introduction to Electromagnetics
ECE 3515Computer Organization
ECE 3520Microprocessors: Software, Hardware, and Interfacing
ECE 3525Introduction to Embedded Systems 1
ECE 4140VLSI Design and Simulation 1
ECE 4535Computer Architecture and Design 1
ECE 4415Introduction to Computer Networks 2
ECE 4425Data Communications Laboratory 2

1 Requires additional prerequisites.

2 ECE 4415 Introduction to Computer Networks and ECE 4425 Data Communications Laboratory must be taken concurrently.

 Visit the program website for additional information.