Explanation of Course Numbers
- Courses in the 1000s are primarily introductory undergraduate courses
- Those in the 2000s to 4000s are upper-level undergraduate courses that also may be taken for graduate credit with permission and additional work assigned
- Those in the 6000s and 8000s are for master’s, doctoral, and professional-level students
- The 6000s are open to advanced undergraduate students with approval of the instructor and the dean or advising office
MKTG 1099. Variable Topics. 16 Credits.
MKTG 3142. Consumer Behavior. 3 Credits.
Social, cultural, and psychological factors influencing the behavior of consumers. Theories, consumption patterns, market segmentation, attitude formation and change, brand loyalty, adoption of innovations, and store choice decisions. Same As: MKTG 3142W.
MKTG 3142W. Consumer Behavior. 3 Credits.
Social, cultural, and psychological factors influencing the behavior of consumers. Theories, consumption patterns, market segmentation, attitude formation and change, brand loyalty, adoption of innovations, and store choice decisions. Includes a significant engagement in writing as a form of critical inquiry and scholarly expression to satisfy the WID requirement. Same As: MKTG 3142.
MKTG 3143. Marketing Research. 3 Credits.
Basic methods and techniques of market research; designing a marketing research project, secondary, syndicated data and primary data collection; focus groups, questionnaire construction, and data analysis and statistical software packages. Prerequisites: One of the following: DNSC 1001, STAT 1051, STAT 1053, STAT 1111, or APSC 3115.
MKTG 4148. Advertising and Marketing Communications. 3 Credits.
Marketing communications theory and methods for researching target consumers, designing singular messages, analyzing media, executing and measuring effective advertising, and integrated marketing communications campaigns. Credit cannot be earned for this course and MKTG 4156.
MKTG 4149. Advanced Advertising Campaigns. 3 Credits.
Students conceptualize and execute a marketing communications campaign for entry in the American Advertising Federation's National Student Advertising Competition. Interview and permission of the instructor required prior to enrollment. Prerequisites: MKTG 4148 or permission of the instructor.
MKTG 4150. Salesmanship and Sales Management. 3 Credits.
Development of personal selling and presentation skills; examination of types of selling situations. Organization of sales department, sales planning and forecasting, quotas, territories, performance standards, and analysis and control of distribution costs.
MKTG 4152. Retailing Management. 3 Credits.
A study of retailing management and strategy covering the current environment of retailing, retail market and financial analysis, store location and design, inventory management, and non-store and service retailing. Industry executive and student presentations; case analyses. Prerequisites: BADM 3401, MKTG 3142 and MKTG 3143.
MKTG 4154. Digital Marketing. 3 Credits.
Using digital marketing and social media to leverage a firm's marketing strategy and developing it for the next evolution in Web commerce.
MKTG 4156. Integrated Marketing Communications. 3 Credits.
Strategies, concepts and analyses for effective marketing communications and promotions in a rapidly changing media environment due to fundamental shifts in how consumers get information, from whom, and how much trust they place in different sources. Prerequisites: BADM 3401, MKTG 3142, and MKTG 3143. Credit cannot be earned for this course and MKTG 4148.
MKTG 4159. Marketing Strategy. 3 Credits.
Analytical integration of material covered in marketing courses, financial dimensions of marketing decisions, artificial intelligence, and comprehensive case analysis.
MKTG 4160. Global Marketing Strategy. 3 Credits.
Management practices of companies seeking market opportunities outside the home country. The importance of viewing marketing strategies from global perspectives.
MKTG 4161. Pricing Strategy: Competitive and Dynamic Pricing. 3 Credits.
Theories and strategies for making key pricing decisions confronting marketing managers in a dynamic and competitive environment. Prerequisites: BADM 3401; MKTG 3142 or MKTG 3142W; and MKTG 3143. Credit cannot be earned for this course and MKTG 6261.
MKTG 4162. Digital Marketing Analytics. 3 Credits.
Measuring, analyzing, and interpreting key behavioral and performance indices for digital marketing. Hands on experience working with data sets, and applying a range of techniques to extract insights from data used primarily in digital marketing. Credit cannot be earned for this course and MKTG 6262.
MKTG 4163. Applied Marketing Decision Analytics. 3 Credits.
Applied marketing analytics. Using various tools, including statistical software, to analyze primary and secondary, qualitative and quantitative data to support marketing decisions. Credit cannot be earned for this course and MKTG 6263.
MKTG 4164. Artificial Intelligence and Automated Marketing. 3 Credits.
Applying data collection, management, and analysis to address marketing problems from an artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) perspective and to automate models. Credit cannot be earned for this course and MKTG 6264.
MKTG 4165. Customer Relationship Management and Relational Databases. 3 Credits.
The development and implementation of methods and strategies for doing business on a more personalized, one-to-one basis. Devising targeted communications and promotions to individual customers based on their purchasing behaviors. Credit cannot be earned for this course and MKTG 6265.
MKTG 4900. Special Topics. 3 Credits.
Topics vary by semester. May be repeated for credit provided topic differs. Consult the Schedule of Classes for more details.
MKTG 4900W. Special Topics. 3 Credits.
Experimental offering; new course topics and teaching methods. Includes a significant engagement in writing as a form of critical inquiry and scholarly expression to satisfy the WID requirement. Prerequisites: BADM 3401, MKTG 3142 and MKTG 3143.
MKTG 4995. Independent Study. 1-4 Credits.
Students undertake research in an area of particular interest under the direction of a marketing faculty member. May be repeated for credit. Faculty and department chair approval are required prior to enrollment.
MKTG 5099. Variable Topics. 1-99 Credits.
MKTG 6242. Buyer Behavior. 3 Credits.
The buyer decision process model and how and why products and services are purchased; synthesis of behavioral sciences applied to understanding individual, family, and organizational decision processes; the impact of consumer decisions on the marketing strategies of business and public organizations; consumer marketing applications in high-tech and services industries and on a global scale.
MKTG 6243. Marketing Research. 3 Credits.
The marketing research process: designing, conducting, and using market research studies. Managing the market research project; qualitative research; survey and experimental designs; data analysis with statistical software packages.
MKTG 6246. Marketing of Services. 3 Credits.
Services in a marketing context from the viewpoint of the customer; service quality, marketing analysis, consumer behavior, product analysis, channel distribution, pricing, and promotional decision making; business strategies examined in service trends, benefits of relationships for firms and for customers, service failure and recovery.
MKTG 6248. Advertising and Marketing Communications Strategy. 3 Credits.
Practical instruction in executing an advertising and integrated marketing communications campaign; strategic planning, communication theory, planning from a consumer attitudes and behavioral perspective, and campaign execution. Prerequisite: MBAD 6274. Recommended background: MKTG 6242.
MKTG 6250. Selling/Sales Management. 3 Credits.
MKTG 6251. Product Management. 3 Credits.
MKTG 6252. Digital Marketing. 3 Credits.
The impact of technology on sales and marketing strategy. Customer relationship management, mobile commerce, e-branding, sales force technology enhancement, permission e-mail, online marketing research, and electronic channels of distributions. Same As: MKTG 4154.
MKTG 6255. Strategic Brand Management. 3 Credits.
Theoretical foundation for branding and brand management and practical application of these concepts in marketing management. Prerequisite: MBAD 6274.
MKTG 6256. Integrated Marketing Communication. 3 Credits.
The ubiquitous nature of advertising and promotion; how and from whom consumers get information and their level of trust in different information sources; concepts, analyses, and activities related to advertising; assessing and solving challenges. Prerequisite: MBAD 6274.
MKTG 6259. Marketing Strategy. 3 Credits.
Immersive "lab" course based on first principles of marketing strategy and data analytics, focused on solving four fundamental marketing problems: customer heterogeneity, customer dynamics, sustainable competitive advantage, and resource trade-offs.
MKTG 6260. Global Marketing Strategy. 3 Credits.
Global issues and concepts relevant to all international marketers. Environmental and cultural approaches to international marketing with strategic implications of competition in different markets. Prerequisites: MBAD 6274, MKTG 6242, and MKTG 6243.
MKTG 6261. Dynamic Pricing Strategy. 3 Credits.
Fundamental theories and concepts that constitute the principles of pricing in marketing. Examples of topics covered include pricing and price promotions in distribution channels, product line pricing, and online pricing. Recommended background: Prior completion of a course in basic microeconomics. Credit cannot be earned for this course and MKTG 4161.
MKTG 6262. Digital Marketing Analytics. 3 Credits.
Applied data and analytics in the digital marketing space with hands on experience working with data sets, and applying a range of techniques to extract insights from data primarily used in digital marketing. Credit cannot be earned for this course and MKTG 4162.
MKTG 6263. Marketing Decision Analytics. 3 Credits.
Transforming data into actionable information, using various statistics tools and software to analyze primary and secondary data; identifying data nuances; and weaving qualitative and quantitative data into a story. Prerequisites: MKTG 6243. Credit cannot be earned for this course and MKTG 4163.
MKTG 6264. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Marketing Automation. 3 Credits.
Application of machine learning and artificial intelligence models to marketing-related data. Focus on automating procedures and communicating findings in a business environment. Recommended background: Basic statistics and some knowledge of R and Python. Credit cannot be earned for this course and MKTG 4164.
MKTG 6265. Marketing Relational Databases and Customer Relationship Management. 3 Credits.
Customer-centric concepts, metrics; and strategies; basic customer database organization and analytics; and predictive modelling of customer responses. Credit cannot be earned for this course and MKTG 4165.
MKTG 6297. International Management Experience. 3 Credits.
Same as FINA 6297/ IBUS 6297/ MGT 6297/ SMPP 6297. May be repeated for credit.
MKTG 6298. Directed Readings and Research. 1-3 Credits.
MKTG 6299. Thesis Seminar. 3 Credits.
MKTG 6999. Thesis Research. 3 Credits.
MKTG 8341. Seminar: Marketing. 3 Credits.
MKTG 8397. Doctoral Seminar. 3 Credits.
MKTG 8998. Advanced Readings and Research. 1-12 Credits.
May be repeated for credit. Restricted to doctoral candidates preparing for the general examination.
MKTG 8999. Dissertation Research. 1-12 Credits.
May be repeated for credit. Restricted to doctoral candidates.