Explanation of Course Numbers

  • Courses in the 1000s are primarily introductory undergraduate courses
  • Those in the 2000s to 4000s are upper-level undergraduate courses that also may be taken for graduate credit with permission and additional work assigned
  • Those in the 6000s and 8000s are for master’s, doctoral, and professional-level students
  • The 6000s are open to advanced undergraduate students with approval of the instructor and the dean or advising office

HSML 5099. Variable Topics. 1-99 Credits.

HSML 6202. Introduction to Health Services Delivery. 2 Credits.

Introduction to the systems that define and shape delivery of health services in the United States. Case studies and presentations on major issues develop an appreciation of dilemmas confronting policymakers, providers, and patients: balancing cost, quality and access. Access and disparity, health care professions, facilities, managed care organizations and government health care programs. Policy changes that have had major impact on American health care in the past century. Fall.

HSML 6203. Introduction to Health Management. 2 Credits.

Introduction to management theory essential for those seeking management positions in organizations providing health care or public health services. Application of the problem-solving method; extensive use of cases.

HSML 6204. Quality and Performance Improvement. 2 Credits.

Theory of quality and performance improvement in health services organizations and systems. Emphasis on the Deming method of continuous quality improvement (CQI); Six Sigma; International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards; Baldrige criteria; accreditation programs. Prerequisite: HSML 6203.

HSML 6206. Quantitative Methods and Epidemiology in Health Services. 3 Credits.

Application of epidemiology and analytical methods to improve population health, enhance decision-making, and introduce operations management. The concepts and procedures complement HSML courses for information management and finance. Prerequisites: 2 or 3 earned credits in introductory statistics.

HSML 6207. Health Services Information Applications. 2 Credits.

Organization and management of information technology in modern health care organizations with an emphasis on the acute care hospital. Use of information technology in hospital clinical, support, and administrative departments.

HSML 6208. Medical Informatics. 2 Credits.

Comprehensive study of the role and impact of IT in health services organizations. Specific emphasis on the role IT plays from managerial and clinical perspectives. Topics include ROI, privacy, error reduction, change management, and decision support systems. Prerequisite: HSML 6207.

HSML 6209. Health Services Finance and Accounting Theory. 3 Credits.

Health services finance and accounting theory for health services organizations and systems. Finance includes CFO responsibilities, financial statements and report, and revenue cycle. Accounting includes accounting transactions and month end close.

HSML 6210. Health Services Financial Applications. 2 Credits.

Application of health finance theory to health services organizations and systems. Budgeting process, understanding profit and loss, managing resources including accounts receivable, labor and supplies. The budget as a tool for analyzing operational changes. Prerequisites: HSML 6209.

HSML 6211. Health Economics. 2 Credits.

Economics of the health care sector. An economic analysis of public policy alternatives in the health industry. Roles of the physician, hospital, insurance, and other health care markets are examined.

HSML 6212. Community Health Management and Advocacy. 2 Credits.

Concepts and techniques to planning, managing, and advocating for community health programs and services. Focus on social contract, the Precede-Proceed Model and principles of community-oriented primary care. Students study or conduct a community health promotion project. Prerequisites: HSML 6202 and HSML 6203.

HSML 6213. Health Services, Marketing, and Planning. 2 Credits.

Concepts of strategic planning and marketing as they apply to health services organizations. Particular emphasis on uses of planning and marketing techniques in managing departments and individual health services programs. Prerequisites: HSML 6202 and HSML 6203.

HSML 6215. Health Law for Managers. 2 Credits.

Sources of law and legal processes affecting health services. Administrative law and agency processes. Legal aspects of torts and contracts for physicians, staff, patients, and health services organizations and systems. Trends in health services law. Prerequisites: HSML 6202 and HSML 6203.

HSML 6216. Human Resources Management and Organizational Behavior. 2 Credits.

Theory and application of human behavior, human resource management, and labor relations policies, concepts and practices as they affect health services organizations. Primary focus is on managing people at work and developing management skills. Prerequisites: HSML 6202 and HSML 6203.

HSML 6218. Seminar: Health Services Management and Leadership. 2 Credits.

Intensive qualitative and quantitative analyses of major problem areas in health system administration and planning using the case study method. Cases cover the broad spectrum of health policy, planning and management of the health services system. Serves as the capstone course for health services students. Taken in the last semester on campus.

HSML 6221. TransLdrshp/HealthServDelivery. 2 Credits.

Current leadership thought and competencies focusing on leadership styles, motivation, change management, innovation, creativity, emotional intelligence, organizational learning, and corporate culture. Prerequisite: HSML 6203.

HSML 6222. Group Leadership and Team Facilitation. 2 Credits.

Applies management and leadership theory to small groups, e.g. committees, patient care teams, process improvement groups, task forces, etc. Methods to establish, organize, develop, and manage teams for problem-solving. Students are assigned to interdisciplinary teams as facilitators and receive feedback on their performance. Part of medical Center’s service learning program—ISCOPES (Interdisciplinary Student Community-Oriented Prevention Enhancement Service). Equivalent courses may be accepted for the prerequisite. Prerequisites: HSML 6204 and HSML 6212.

HSML 6231. Management of Acute Care Hospitals. 2 Credits.

Organizing and managing acute care hospitals. Relationships and procedures of clinical, support, and administrative departments. Process analyses and applications of the Deming method of continuous quality improvement. Requirements of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Prerequisites: HSML 6202, HSML 6204 and HSML 6209; or permission of the instructor.

HSML 6232. Institution and Systems Management Applications. 2 Credits.

Readings and guest speakers. Focus on management theory applied in freestanding and multi-institutional health services units. Lessons learned by health services executives are shown through vignettes and presentation of experiences. Seminar Format. Prerequisites: HSML 6202 and HSML 6203; or permission of the instructor.

HSML 6233. Delivery of Behavioral Health Services. 2 Credits.

Study of the organizations and systems to deliver behavioral health services; emphasis on organizing, managing, and financing treatment and rehabilitation facilities. Fall Prerequisites: HSML 6202, HSML 6204 and HSML 6209.

HSML 6234. Physician Practice Management. 2 Credits.

Theory and principles of practice management. Emphasis on the fundamentals of organizing, staffing, and controlling a physician practice. Financial applications and resource consumption. Prerequisites: HSML 6202, HSML 6204 and HSML 6209.

HSML 6236. Post-Acute Care Management and Leadership. 2 Credits.

Overview of the ways in which different sectors/healthcare participants are reimbursed and regulated. The changing post-acute care industry as it evolves to handle increasing demands for services.

HSML 6237. Managing the Skilled Nursing Facility. 3 Credits.

Organizing, financing, and managing the skilled nursing facility. Determining residents’ needs and developing appropriate services. Accreditation Standards. Government regulations and licensing requirements. Prerequisites: HSML 6202, HSML 6204, HSML 6209 and HSML 6236.

HSML 6238. Ambulatory Care Management. 2 Credits.

Organizing and managing ambulatory care. Models, financing, institutional affiliations, estimating and planning for ambulatory care, and using medical group practice as part of comprehensive services delivery. Prerequisites: HSML 6202, HSML 6204 and HSML 6209.

HSML 6239. Managed Care. 2 Credits.

Health maintenance organizations (HMOs), preferred provider organizations (PPOs), and utilization management (UM) in fee-for-service plans. Formation, organization, contractual arrangements, and medical management of managed care regarding costs, utilization, quality, and access are analyzed from the perspectives of managed care organizations, employers, providers, and public policy. Role of government in managed care, competition and marketing of managed care plans, and relationships between plans and providers. Efficacy of managed care in public and private sectors. Prerequisites: HSML 6202, HSML 6204 and HSML 6209.

HSML 6241. Compliance and Risk Management in Health Services Delivery. 2 Credits.

Application of concepts and techniques for organizing and implementing compliance, risk management, and patient safety programs within the context of quality and performance improvement. Emphasis on organizational values as a condition to success. Recent compliance requirements (e.g., HIPAA). Equivalent courses may be accepted for the prerequisites. Prerequisites: HSML 6202 and HSML 6203.

HSML 6244. Supply Chain Management in Health Services. 2 Credits.

Theory and application of distribution management of materials, services, and information in health services organizations. Suppliers, inventory control, negotiating and managing contracts, joint and shared purchasing. Prerequisites: HSML 6204 and HSML 6206.

HSML 6245. Disaster Management for Health Care Organizations. 2 Credits.

The role and importance of health care organizations in all four phases of the disaster management life cycle (i.e, preparedness, mitigations, response, and recovery).

HSML 6246. Service Line and Project Management. 2 Credits.

Theory and application of management science techniques to manage and improve effectiveness of service lines, programs, and projects in health services. Business case development, planning, project management tools, and program evaluation. Prerequisites: HSML 6204.

HSML 6247. Consulting in Health Care. 2 Credits.

Theory and practice of health care consulting – what it is, how it is practiced, how it operates as a business, and concepts of “best practices.” Prerequisites: HSML 6202 and HSML 6203; or permission of the instructor.

HSML 6254. Seminar: Ethics in Health Services Management. 2 Credits.

Managerial implications of ethical issues in health services delivery: administrative and institutional ethics; professional codes; conflicts of interest, impaired professionals, end-of-life decisions, experimentation, and new technology; resource allocation.

HSML 6255. Leadership and Ethics. 2 Credits.

Using the MBTI and EQi, students uncover their leadership style and practice the skills of highly effective leadership. Concurrent examination of ethical principles and practices and how those practices are used by leaders. Restricted to students in the MHA@GW program.

HSML 6258. Health System Analysis. 3 Credits.

Concentrated, on-site study of either an exemplary health system in the United States or the national health system of another country, with the objective of critically analyzing and assessing the system's structure, function, and operations. Restricted to students in the MHA@GW program. Prerequisites: HSML 6255.

HSML 6259. Organization Research Project and Portfolio Presentation. 1.5 Credit.

This Immersion provides MHA@GW students the opportunity to synthesize the content from modules 1-8 and the three Immersions into a coherent whole and allows students to critically assess their growth and development as a healthcare leader. Restricted to students in the MHA@GW program. Prerequisites: HSML 6255, HSML 6256 and HSML 6258. Corequisites: HSML 6281.

HSML 6263. Advanced Health Financial Applications. 2 Credits.

Advanced quantitative application of health care finance and current best practices as applied to the health care industry.

HSML 6264. Health Care Management and Strategy. 5 Credits.

Detailed examination of the core principles of management and strategy that are required by persons holding management and leadership roles in health care delivery organizations.

HSML 6265. Medical Informatics and Decision Management. 5 Credits.

Fundamental principles and concepts of health care informatics and decision management, with a primary focus on clinical applications within the framework of improving quality, productivity, and satisfaction. Taught online. Restricted to students in the executive master of health administration program. Prerequisite: HSML 6264.

HSML 6266. Health Care Financial Management. 5 Credits.

The financial operations of health care organizations, including financial reporting, cost management, sources of revenue, and budgeting. Restricted to students in the executive master of health administration program.

HSML 6267. Community and Population Health. 4 Credits.

Provides an overview of population and community health, and their importance to international healthcare systems. Examines policies and practices that move health systems toward taking population and community health into account. Prerequisites: HSML 6264, HSML 6265, and HSML 6266.

HSML 6268. Health Economics and Quantitative Methods. 5 Credits.

A multidisciplinary course designed around two important and closely related components: quantitative methods; and the key health economics concepts, applications, and tools relevant to health care managers who are seeking to better understand, respond to, and influence a constantly evolving health care marketplace. Restricted to For students in the executive MHA program. Prerequisites: HSML 6264, HSML 6265, HSML 6266 and HSML 6267.

HSML 6269. Quality and Performance Improvement. 5 Credits.

Theory of quality and performance improvement in health services organizations and systems. Emphasis on the Deming method of continuous quality improvement (CQI). Lean; Six Sigma; IHI quality improvement program; Baldrige criteria; patient safety; and quality tools Restricted to Limited to Master of Health Administration degree students. Prerequisites: HSML 6268.

HSML 6270. Research in Health Services Administration. 2,3 Credits.

Field research. Primarily for advanced students; open to others with consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit.

HSML 6271. Residency. 3 Credits.

Work experience guided by a qualified preceptor; periodic written progress reports and a written major report or selected field projects as required.

HSML 6273. Residency. 3 Credits.

Work experience guided by a qualified preceptor; periodic written progress reports and a written major report or selected field projects as required.

HSML 6274. Fellowship. 3 Credits.

Work experience guided by a qualified preceptor on selected management and planning issues and problems occurring in health services facilities, programs, and agencies. Primarily for advanced master's and doctoral students; open to other students by arrangement. May be repeated for credit.

HSML 6275. Fellowship. 3 Credits.

Work experience guided by a qualified preceptor on selected management and planning issues and problems occurring in health services facilities, programs, and agencies. Primarily for advanced master's and doctoral students; open to other students by arrangement. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: 6274.

HSML 6280. Health Law and Policy. 4 Credits.

Examines how the law and legal system in the United States govern and regulate the U.S. health care system. Restricted to students in the MHA@GW program. Prerequisites: HSML 6264, HSML 6265, HSML 6266, HSML 6267, HSML 6268, and HSML 6269.

HSML 6281. Systems Thinking and Learning. 5 Credits.

Capstone course designed to provide students in the MHA@GW program with the opportunity to explore the concepts of systems thinking and learning and their application to the management of healthcare organizations. Restricted to students in the MHA@GW degree program. Prerequisites: HSML 6264, HSML 6265, HSML 6266, HSML 6267, HSML 6268, HSML 6269 and HSML 6280.

HSML 6282. Organizational Research Project I. 1 Credit.

The first of a two-course sequence required of all MHA@GW program students. Students prepare to undertake the organizational research project that is one of two program deliverables. Corequisite: HSML 6269. Restricted to students in the MHA@GW degree program.

HSML 6283. Organization Research Project II. 1 Credit.

Provides guided support to MHA@GW students as they undertake the organizational research project that is one of the two program deliverables required for the degree. Restricted to students in the MHA@GW degree program. Prerequisites: HSML 6282.

HSML 6285. Readings in Health Services Management. 3 Credits.

Supervised readings in special areas of health services management. Primarily for advanced students; open to others by arrangement. May be repeated for credit.

HSML 6286. Readings in Health Services Management. 3 Credits.

Supervised readings in special areas of health services management. Primarily for advanced students; open to others by arrangement. May be repeated for credit.

HSML 6290. Health IT Project Management. 5 Credits.

Overview of the various knowledge areas of IT project management with a focus on health; fundamental principles and concepts; implementation; improving quality, productivity, and satisfaction. Restricted to students in the MS in management of health informatics and analytics program. Prerequisite: HSML 6265.

HSML 6291. Population and Community Health Analytics. 5 Credits.

Concepts of population and community health; informatics and analytics for assessing population health; and best approaches to using and communicating population and community health data for decision makers and policy makers. Restricted to students in the MHIA@GW program. Prerequisites: HSML 6264, HSML 6265 and HSML 6290.

HSML 6293. The Internet of Medical Things. 3 Credits.

Study of IoMT, an emerging field that leverages connected devices, data, and technology for broader impact on patient health; key components, stakeholders, business issues and opportunities; and impact on business, technology, security, analytics, innovation, and regulation. Restricted to students in the healthinformatics@GW program (MHIA). Prerequisites: HSML 6264, HSML 6265, HSML 6290 and HSML 6291.

HSML 6294. Research Analytics. 3 Credits.

Key concepts in research analytics; skills and experiences needed to leverage big data to improve public health through data integration. Restricted to students in the MHIA@GW program. Prerequisites: HSML 6292 and HSML 6293.

HSML 6295. Predictive Analytics. 3 Credits.

How clinical, claims, demographic, and community-level data can be used to inform decisions by patients, physicians, provider organizations, payers, and public agencies; common statistical learning methods used to predict quantitative and qualitative outcomes. Restricted to students in the MS in management of health informatics and analytics program.

HSML 6296. Health Innovations and Entrepreneurship. 5 Credits.

Introduction to emerging classes of health care information technologies and the unique challenges that the industry presents in terms of planning, implementation, and adoption of new technologies. Restricted to students in the MS in management of health informatics and analytics program. Prerequisite: HSML 6280.

HSML 6297. Health Informatics Simulation. 1.5 Credit.

Synthesis of program components into an operational application of a current health care issue from a health informatics perspective using fundamental principles and concepts of health care informatics and decision management. Restricted to students in the MS in management of health informatics and analytics program. Prerequisites: HSML 6255, HSML 6264, HSML 6265, HSML 6280, HSML 6290, HSML 6291, HSML 6293, HSML 6294, and HSML 6295.

HSML 6299. Topics in HSML. 1-3 Credits.

Experimental offering; new course topics and teaching methods. May be repeated for credit.