Explanation of Course Numbers

  • Courses in the 1000s are primarily introductory undergraduate courses
  • Those in the 2000s to 4000s are upper-level undergraduate courses that also may be taken for graduate credit with permission and additional work assigned
  • Those in the 6000s and 8000s are for master’s, doctoral, and professional-level students
  • The 6000s are open to advanced undergraduate students with approval of the instructor and the dean or advising office

CHIN 1000. Dean's Seminar. 3 Credits.

The Dean’s Seminars provide Columbian College first-year students focused scholarship on specific intellectual challenges. Topics vary by semester; see department for more details.

CHIN 1001. Beginning Chinese I. 4 Credits.

Basic functional and communicative proficiency in Chinese. Development of listening and speaking skills, reading and writing abilities, and cultural awareness.

CHIN 1002. Beginning Chinese II. 4 Credits.

Continuation of CHIN 1001. Basic functional and communicative proficiency in Chinese. Development of listening and speaking skills, reading and writing abilities, and cultural awareness. Prerequisites: CHIN 1001 or equivalent.

CHIN 1011. Intensive Beginning Chinese. 8 Credits.

Intensive beginning course equivalent to CHIN 1001 and CHIN 1002.

CHIN 1088. E-Learning Tools for Chinese. 1 Credit.

Basic training for using computer programs, software, or web tools for Chinese word processing. Prerequisites: CHIN 1001.

CHIN 1099. Variable Topics. 1-36 Credits.

CHIN 2003. Intermediate Chinese I. 4 Credits.

Continuation of grammar, with emphasis on speaking, reading, and writing. Prerequisites: CHIN 1002 or CHIN 1011.

CHIN 2004. Intermediate Chinese II. 4 Credits.

Continuation of CHIN 2003. Continuation of grammar, with emphasis on speaking, reading, and writing. Prerequisites: CHIN 2003.

CHIN 3099. Variable Topics. 1-12 Credits.

CHIN 3105. Intermediate Chinese III. 3 Credits.

Augmentation of vocabulary, with emphasis on communicative proficiency development. Prerequisite: CHIN 2004.

CHIN 3106. Intermediate Chinese IV. 3 Credits.

Continuation of CHIN 3105. Augmentation of vocabulary, with emphasis on communicative proficiency development. Prerequisite: CHIN 3105.

CHIN 3109. Introduction to Classical Chinese I. 3 Credits.

Students explore the basic grammar and vocabulary of literary Chinese. Selections are based on the students’ interests and level of proficiency, and include such genres as prose, short stories, performance texts, ci poetry and qu. Graduate students who are taking CHIN 6109 demonstrate their problem-solving and reading abilities through a 15 to 20 annotated translation at the end of the semester. Equivalent courses may be accepted for the prerequisite. Prerequisites: CHIN 2004. Same As: CHIN 6109.

CHIN 3110. Introduction to Classical Chinese II. 3 Credits.

Students explore the basic grammar and vocabulary of literary Chinese. Selections are based on the students’ interests and level of proficiency, and include such genres as prose, short stories, performance texts, ci poetry and qu. Graduate students who are taking CHIN 6109 and CHIN 6110 demonstrate their problem-solving and reading abilities through a 15 to 20 annotated translation at the end of the semester. Equivalent courses may be accepted for the prerequisite. Prerequisites: CHIN 2004. Same As: CHIN 6110.

CHIN 3111. Chinese Literature in Translation I. 3 Credits.

An introductory survey of Chinese literature read in English translation, including fiction, poetry, drama, essays, diaries, testimonials. The pre-modern period. Credit cannot be earned for this course and CHIN 6111.

CHIN 3112. Chinese Literature in Translation II. 3 Credits.

Continuation of CHIN 3111. An introductory survey of Chinese literature read in English translation, including fiction, poetry, drama, essays, diaries, testimonials. The modern period. Same As: CHIN 6112.

CHIN 3116. Language Policy of China. 3 Credits.

Language policy and planning in China in the context of relations between the national language, Chinese dialects, and minority languages. Policy origins and their implementation from a sociolinguistic and historical perspective.

CHIN 3123. Introduction to Chinese Linguistics. 3 Credits.

Structure of the Chinese language. Sounds and words, sentence meaning and structure, the writing system, adaptation of foreign vocabulary, pragmatics, variation, and change. Conducted in English.

CHIN 3124. Introduction to Chinese Linguistics. 3 Credits.

Continuation of CHIN 3123. Structure of the Chinese language. Sounds and words, sentence meaning and structure, the writing system, adaptation of foreign vocabulary, pragmatics, variation, and change. Conducted in English. Prerequisites: CHIN 3123.

CHIN 3136W. Chinese Women in Myth, Literature, and Film. 3 Credits.

Women’s position in Chinese cultural and political life from prehistoric myth to the present time. Includes a significant engagement in writing as a form of critical inquiry and scholarly expression to satisfy the WID requirement. Conducted in English. (Same as WGSS 3136, WGSS 3136W)

CHIN 3151. Developing Chinese Literacy. 3 Credits.

Overview of the history and development of Chinese characters. Reinforces Chinese language learning by building on vocabulary acquired during the first two years of the Chinese language curriculum. Prerequisites: CHIN 2003 or an appropriate score on the placement examination. Corequisites: CHIN 2004.

CHIN 3162. Chinese Culture Through Film. 3 Credits.

Survey of the Chinese cultural heritage presented through films. Topics include literature, philosophy, art, religion, and social history from prehistorical times to the modern era. Course conducted in English.

CHIN 3163. Taiwanese Literature and Film. 3 Credits.

A introductory survey of modern and contemporary Taiwanese literary and cinematic works. Readings include poetry, folk lyrics, dramas, novels, and memoirs that bear distinctive marks of Taiwan’s diverse literary trends. Films include those by internationally renowned directors such as Hou Hsiao-hsien, Ang Lee, Edward Yang, and Tsai Ming-liang. Same As: CHIN 6163.

CHIN 3171. Poetry of the Tang and Song Periods. 3 Credits.

Reading of works of leading poets. Discussion of content and style. Prerequisite: CHIN 3109 . Credit cannot be earned for this course and CHIN 6171.

CHIN 3172. Poetry of the Tang and Song Periods. 3 Credits.

Continuation of CHIN 3171. Reading of works of leading poets. Discussion of content and style. Prerequisites: CHIN 3109.

CHIN 3173. Chinese Drama and Theatre. 3 Credits.

Chinese drama and theatrical genres. Topics include the relation between theatrical performance and ritual practice, gender identities, and cross-cultural exchange. Course conducted in English.

CHIN 3175W. Dream of the Red Chamber. 3 Credits.

The world of the Chinese masterwork of prose fiction, Dream of the Red Chamber. Class readings and exercises aim at fostering a deeper understanding of premodern Chinese value systems through artistic, as well as literary, representations. Includes a significant engagement in writing as a form of critical inquiry and scholarly expression to satisfy the WID requirement.

CHIN 3188. Confucian Religion. 3 Credits.

CHIN 3841. Religion and Politics in China. 3 Credits.

The changes, destructions, and reconstructions of Chinese religions from the late nineteenth century to the present. The relationship between the (re)making of Chinese religions and the making of a modern Chinese nation state. Same As: REL 3841.

CHIN 4107. Readings in Modern Chinese I. 3 Credits.

Readings in newspapers, social science materials, and documentary materials. Prerequisite: CHIN 3106 .

CHIN 4108. Readings in Modern Chinese II. 3 Credits.

Advanced study of standard (Mandarin) Chinese with a focus on reading comprehension. Students gain reading skills through work with advanced authentic texts and exercises designed to guide comprehensions and strengthen reading strategies. Prerequisites: CHIN 3106 or equivalent.

CHIN 4119W. Business Chinese. 3 Credits.

Basics of business-related communication in both oral and written form. Integrated language skills. Includes a significant engagement in writing as a form of critical inquiry and scholarly expression to satisfy the WID requirement. Prerequisites: CHIN 4107 or CHIN 4121.

CHIN 4121W. Advanced Conversation and Composition I. 3 Credits.

Productive skills at the advanced discourse level, topic-specific practice of commonly used speech patterns and writing formats. Permission of the instructor is required prior to enrollment. Includes a significant engagement in writing as a form of critical inquiry and scholarly expression to satisfy the WID requirement. Prerequisite: CHIN 3106.

CHIN 4122W. Advanced Conversation and Composition II. 3 Credits.

Productive skills at the advanced discourse level, topic-specific practice of commonly used speech patterns and writing formats. Permission of the instructor is required prior to enrollment. Includes a significant engagement in writing as a form of critical inquiry and scholarly expression to satisfy the WID requirement.

CHIN 4179. Twentieth-Century Chinese Literature. 3 Credits.

Selected works of major twentieth-century writers, including Lu Xun, Lao She, Zhang Ailing, Bai Xianyong, and others. Lectures and discussion in Chinese. Prerequisites: CHIN 4107.

CHIN 4180W. Twentieth-Century Chinese Literature II. 3 Credits.

Continuation of CHIN 4179. Selected works of major twentieth-century writers, including Lu Xun, Lao She, Zhang Ailing, Bai Xianyong, and others. Lectures and discussion in Chinese. Includes a significant engagement in writing as a form of critical inquiry and scholarly expression to satisfy the WID requirement. Prerequisite: CHIN 4107.

CHIN 4185. Directed Reading I. 3 Credits.

Reading of material in the student’s field of interest. Permission of the instructor required prior to enrollment.

CHIN 4186. Directed Reading II. 3 Credits.

Continuation of CHIN 4185. Reading of material in the student’s field of interest. Permission of the instructor required prior to enrollment.

CHIN 4186W. Directed Reading II. 3 Credits.

Continuation of CHIN 4185. Reading of material in the student’s field of interest. Permission of the instructor required prior to enrollment. Includes a significant engagement in writing as a form of critical inquiry and scholarly expression to satisfy the WID requirement.

CHIN 4198. Proseminar: Readings for the Major in Chinese Language and Literature. 3 Credits.

Recommended for all majors. Preparation for advanced research in Chinese sources. One-on-one tutorials, seminar meetings, and practice in consulting Chinese reference works, both traditional and modern. Literary criticism; keeping abreast of sinological scholarship. Prerequisite: CHIN 3106.

CHIN 4199. Proseminar: Readings for the Major in Chinese Language and Literature. 3 Credits.

Continuation of CHIN 4198. Recommended for all majors. Preparation for advanced research in Chinese sources. One-on-one tutorials, seminar meetings, and practice in consulting Chinese reference works, both traditional and modern. Literary criticism; keeping abreast of sinological scholarship. Prerequisite: CHIN 4198.

CHIN 4201. Special Topics in Advanced Chinese. 3 Credits.

Development of linguistic proficiency and area content knowledge regarding China and Chinese. Topics vary by semester. May be repeated for credit provided the topic differs. See the Schedule of Classes for more information. Prerequisites: CHIN 4107 or CHIN 4119W or CHIN 4121W.

CHIN 4301. Chinese–English Translation. 3 Credits.

Focus on building professional skills in text analysis and written translation as well as linguistic proficiency and intercultural competence at the ILR2 level (advanced low) or higher. Permission of the instructor is required prior to enrollment. Prerequisites: CHIN 4107 or CHIN 4119W or CHIN 4121W or appropriate score on the placement examination. Same As: CHIN 6301.

CHIN 6109. Introduction to Classical Chinese I. 3 Credits.

Students explore the basic grammar and vocabulary of literary Chinese. Selections are based on the students’ interests and level of proficiency, and include such genres as prose, short stories, performance texts, ci poetry and qu. Graduate students who are taking CHIN 6109 demonstrate their problem-solving and reading abilities through a 15 to 20 annotated translation at the end of the semester. Equivalent courses may be accepted for the prerequisite. Prerequisites: CHIN 2004. Same As: CHIN 3109.

CHIN 6110. Introduction to Classical Chinese II. 3 Credits.

Students explore the basic grammar and vocabulary of literary Chinese. Selections are based on the students’ interests and level of proficiency, and include such genres as prose, short stories, performance texts, ci poetry and qu. Graduate students who are taking CHIN 6109 and CHIN 6110 demonstrate their problem-solving and reading abilities through a 15 to 20 annotated translation at the end of the semester. Equivalent courses may be accepted for the prerequisite. Prerequisites: CHIN 2004. Same As: CHIN 3110.

CHIN 6111. Chinese Literature in Translation. 3 Credits.

A survey of the literatures and cultures of pre-modern China, from the origin of Chinese civilization through the last imperial dynasty including the works of representative writers as well as major literary modes, such as historical documents, philosophical writings, poetry, folktale, short story, drama, and novel. Graduate students taking CHIN 6111 demonstrate their ability in conducting independent research by writing a 15 to 20 page research paper. Credit cannot be earned for this course and CHIN 3111.

CHIN 6112. Chinese Literature in Translation. 3 Credits.

A survey of the literatures and cultures of China, from late Qing (the last imperial dynasty) to contemporary China and the Chinese-speaking world. Students are introduced to works of representative writers as well as major literary genres, including fictions, poetry, dramas, and essays. Students taking CHIN 6112 develop the ability to conduct independent research on the primary text, and to evaluate the significance of the works in cross-cultural, comparative context, by writing a 15 to 20 page term paper. (Same as CHIN 3112)

CHIN 6115. Chinese Sociolinguistics. 3 Credits.

Language use in China from a sociolinguistic perspective. Standardization of Modern Chinese, multilingualism in China, language policy and planning, linguistic variation based on geography, and social stratification.

CHIN 6123. Structure of Chinese. 3 Credits.

Introduction to the structure of Chinese from the perspective of linguistic analysis; serves to prepare students for more advanced graduate level courses in Chinese linguistics. Coursework includes introductory readings, readings from the primary linguistics research literature, and hands-on problem solving, etc.

CHIN 6125. History of the Chinese Language. 3 Credits.

The methodologies and theories in Chinese historical phonology and syntax. Students read materials in the original language, e.g. Classical Chinese, Vernacular writing, and etc. Students work towards a term research paper throughout the semester on a topic of their own choice. For graduate students, there is one extra question on all of the assignments throughout the semester including the homework problem sets, midterm exams and final exam.

CHIN 6126. Chinese Phonology. 3 Credits.

The theory and practice in Chinese phonology. Students will be provided with fundamentals of articulatory phonetics (the study of how speech sounds are produced) and phonology (the study of sound systems), which they apply to the study of phonetic and phonological properties of standard Chinese. Prerequisites: CHIN 1001 or equivalent.

CHIN 6128. Chinese Semantics. 3 Credits.

The formal approaches to semantics and interface issues between semantics and syntax and phonology, with an emphasis on aspects related to Chinese, such as quantificational isomorphism, modality, focus, question semantics, adjectival semantics and etc. Graduate students taking this course will turn in a research paper by the end of the semester to demonstrate their understanding of a certain topic and ability to do independent research.

CHIN 6151. Developing Chinese Literacy. 3 Credits.

Provides an overview of the history and development of Chinese characters while reinforcing and expanding Chinese language learning using familiar characters and vocabulary. Permission of the instructor required prior to enrollment. Credit cannot be earned for this course and CHIN 3151.

CHIN 6163. Taiwanese Literature and Film. 3 Credits.

Taiwanese literature and film in its historical, social and cultural contexts; course materials include various genres (poetry, folk lyrics, dramas, novels and memoirs) that bear distinctive marks of Taiwan’s lively and diverse cultural trends. (Same as CHIN 3163)

CHIN 6171. Poetry of the Tang and Song Periods I. 3 Credits.

Examination of exemplary works of leading Tang and Song poets, including Li Bo, Du Fu, Han Shan, Du Xunhe, and Bai Juyi. Undergraduate students must have the instructor's permission to enroll. Prerequisite: CHIN 3109. Credit cannot be earned for this course and CHIN 3171.

CHIN 6172. Poetry of the Tang and Song Periods II. 3 Credits.

Continuation of CHIN 6171. Examination of exemplary works of leading Tang and Song poets, including Li Bo, Du Fu, Han Shan, Du Xunhe, and Bai Juyi. Undergraduate students must have the instructor's permission to enroll. Prerequisites: CHIN 3109.

CHIN 6173. Traditional Chinese Theatre and Drama. 3 Credits.

Traditional Chinese Theatre and Drama is a multimedia-enhanced course, which examines dramas and theatrical genres of China of pre-modern time. Students are introduced to the history of Chinese theatre, the aesthetics of theatrical performances, as well as works of representative playwrights in major dramatic genres.Students develop the ability to conduct independent research by writing a 15 to 20-page research paper on the primary text, and to evaluate the significance of the works in cross-cultural, comparative context. Permission of the instructor required prior to enrollment of undergraduate students.

CHIN 6180. Twentieth-Century Chinese Literature II. 3 Credits.

Introduction to the literature of twentieth-century China through close reading and discussion of representative literary works from the era. All readings and class discussion are in Chinese. Graduate students taking CHIN 6179 demonstrate their ability in conducting independent research by writing a 15 to 20 page research paper. Permission of the instructor required prior to enrollment of undergraduate students. Equivalent courses may be accepted for the prerequisite. Prerequisite: CHIN 4107.

CHIN 6199. Graduate Seminar. 3 Credits.

Preparation for advanced research in Chinese sources. One-­on-­one tutorials, seminar meetings, and practice in consulting Chinese reference works, both traditional and modern. Literary criticism; keeping abreast of sinological scholarship. Students research a selected topic in Chinese literature or philosophy, and prepare a research paper of 25 or more pages on this topic. Restricted to individualized curriculum; admission by instructor approval.

CHIN 6201. Second Language Acquisition of Mandarin Chinese. 3 Credits.

This course is an overview of, and introduction to, the theoretical foundations of second language (L2) acquisition in general and the acquisition of Chinese as a foreign language in particular. It is designed to deepen the understanding of the Chinese language from the perspective of L2 learners. Research papers focusing on the L2 acquisition of Mandarin Chinese from various perspectives, such as psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, pedagogical theories, are introduced in this class.

CHIN 6210. Introduction to Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. 3 Credits.

Gain knowledge of TCFL essentials including Chinese pedagogical grammar, instructional design, technology application, and testing and assessment. Discuss National Standards and assessment guidelines for proficiency development, and current studies of second language acquisition (SLA). Examine key issues, studies, and practices on the teaching and acquisition of difficult areas of Chinese, such as the pronunciation and writing systems, as well as topics of general interest. Explore language-teaching methodologies and techniques, and Chinese language testing and assessment. Permission of the instructor required prior to enrollment.

CHIN 6301. Chinese–English Translation. 3 Credits.

Focus on building professional skills in text analysis and written translation as well as linguistic proficiency and intercultural competence at the ILR2 level (advanced low) or higher. Permission of the instructor is required prior to enrollment. Prerequisites: CHIN 4107 or CHIN 4119W or CHIN 4121W or appropriate score on the placement examination. Same As: CHIN 4301.

CHIN 6310. Practicum in Chinese Language Instruction. 3 Credits.

Develop basic skills for teaching Chinese as a foreign language (TCFL) through classroom observation, group discussion, lesson planning, syllabus writing, test designing, and supervised field experience in Chinese instruction. Gain knowledge of classroom management. Required seminar and practice sessions. Permission of the instructor required prior to enrollment. Prerequisites: CHIN 6210 or permission of the instructor.

CHIN 6550. Independent Study for Chinese Language and Culture. 1-3 Credits.

Students explore a topic of interest under the supervision of a faculty member and develop research and, in some cases, applied skills. Permission of the instructor and program director is required prior to registration.

CHIN 6841. Religion and Politics in China. 3 Credits.

Changes, destructions, and reconstructions of Chinese religions from the late nineteenth century to the present day. The relationship between the (re)making of Chinese religions and the making of a modern Chinese nation-state. (Same as CHIN 3841, REL 3841)

CHIN 6999. Thesis Research. 3 Credits.

Development of a thesis project and accompanying research. Restricted to students in MA in Chinese language and culture program.