Certificate certificate programs

Professors: M. Ayyagari, H. Berry, D. Leipziger, A. Phene, S. Rehman, J.W. Spencer, R. J. Weiner, J. Yang

Associate Professors: R. Click (Chair), A. Helm (Teaching), N. Maurer, L. Riddle

Assistant Professors:  J.H. Kim, L. D’Antonio (Teaching), R. Rodrigo Flores, A. Weinberger

Explanation of Course Numbers

  • Courses in the 1000s are primarily introductory undergraduate courses
  • Those in the 2000s to 4000s are upper-level undergraduate courses that also may be taken for graduate credit with permission and additional work assigned
  • Those in the 6000s and 8000s are for master’s, doctoral, and professional-level students
  • The 6000s are open to advanced undergraduate students with approval of the instructor and the dean or advising office

IBUS 1099. Variable Topics. 1-36 Credits.

IBUS 3001. Introduction to International Business. 3 Credits.

The international business environment, including social, cultural, political, technological, and institutional domains; multinational corporation strategic imperatives and organizational challenges, including financial, marketing, human resources, and other aspects of management. Prerequisites: ECON 1011 or HONR 2043; and ECON 1012 or HONR 2044. Same As: IBUS 3001W.

IBUS 3001W. Introduction to International Business. 3 Credits.

The international business environment, including social, cultural, political, technological, and institutional domains; multinational corporation strategic imperatives and organizational challenges, including financial, marketing, human resources, and other aspects of management. Includes a significant engagement in writing as a form of critical inquiry and scholarly expression to satisfy the WID requirement. Prerequisites: ECON 1011 or HONR 2043; and ECON 1012 or HONR 2044. Same As: IBUS 3001.

IBUS 3101. Global Financial Environment. 3 Credits.

The international economic, trade, and financial environment in which global business operates and how developments in these areas affect business activity. Prerequisites: ECON 1011 or HONR 2043; and ECON 1012 or HONR 2044.

IBUS 3201. International Marketing Management. 3 Credits.

Introduction to international marketing analysis and strategy, and the dynamic nature of international markets. Analysis of different types of international markets and formulation of strategies at the entry and global stages. Prerequisites: IBUS 3001.

IBUS 3301. International Business Finance. 3 Credits.

Analysis of the international economic environment and its influence on corporate financial management of international operations. Prerequisites: IBUS 3101 and BADM 3501.

IBUS 4202. Regional Strategy for Multinationals. 3 Credits.

The business, economic, investment, and market environments in different regions of the world; regional strategy framework for responding to business opportunities in regional markets. Prerequisites: IBUS 3001.

IBUS 4203. Foreign Market Analysis. 3 Credits.

Project course involving market research for target market selection, market entry strategy, in-country marketing plan, and recommendations for strategy implementation in the target country. Focus on consulting process as ancillary component. Prerequisite: IBUS 3001, except by permission of instructor, and IBUS 3201.

IBUS 4204. The Cultural Environment of International Business. 3 Credits.

Platform for understanding how culture impacts international business interactions and operations. Cross-cultural business issues, strategies and best practices that address challenges and culturally-derived business opportunities.

IBUS 4302. International Banking. 3 Credits.

Theory and practice of international banking; analysis of international commercial and investment banking from a management perspective; subjects include current international monetary and financial environment, money and capital markets, and topical problems of international banking from a management perspective. Prerequisite: IBUS 3001, except by permission of instructor, and IBUS 3301.

IBUS 4303. International Monetary and Financial Issues. 3 Credits.

Risks facing the global financial and the international monetary systems and their macro-economic framework; role of financial oversight institutions, the dollar and of central banks; old and new economic players in the global system. Prerequisites: ECON 1012 or permission of the instructor.

IBUS 4401. Managing the Multinational Enterprise. 3 Credits.

The changing nature of the international environment and the resulting effects on strategy of U.S. and foreign multinational corporations. Prerequisite: IBUS 3001, except by permission of instructor.

IBUS 4402. Managing in Developing Countries. 3 Credits.

Challenges of operating in developing countries; cross-country experience and case studies exploring issues of institutions, corruption, infrastructure, private–public partnerships, competition, regulation, and global standards. Prerequisites: IBUS 3001 or IBUS 3101. Credit cannot be earned for this course and IBUS 6402.

IBUS 4402W. Managing in Developing Countries. 3 Credits.

Challenges of operating in developing countries. Cross-country experience and case studies exploring issues of institutions, corruption, infrastructure, private–public partnerships, competition, regulation, and global standards. Includes a significant engagement in writing as a form of critical inquiry and scholarly expression to satisfy the WID requirement. Prerequisites: IBUS 3001 or IBUS 3002; or permission of the instructor.

IBUS 4403. Oil: Industry, Economy, and Society. 3 Credits.

Multidisciplinary approach to oil and its effects on business, nation-states, and the world economy, related primarily to political economy and management. Restricted to juniors and seniors. Prerequisites: ECON 1011.

IBUS 4404. Global Energy. 3 Credits.

Fundamental economics and politics of the energy business; effects on business decisions and strategies; conventional energy generation technologies and alternative technologies. Course equivalent or permission of the instructor may be substituted for the prerequisite. Restricted to juniors and seniors. Prerequisite: ECON 1012.

IBUS 4405. Global Disruptions. 3 Credits.

Pandemics, disasters, wars, and unrest are rare yet impactful shocks on business, economies, and geopolitics, demanding preparedness. Their effects on society, government, and firms are examined, emphasizing strategies to navigate uncertainty. Prerequisites: BADM 1004 and IBUS 3001.

IBUS 4900. Special Topics. 3 Credits.

Experimental offering; new course topics and teaching methods. Prerequisite: IBUS 3001, except by permission of instructor. Credit cannot be earned for this course and IAFF 6378.

IBUS 4900W. Special Topics. 3 Credits.

Experimental offering; new course topics and teaching methods. Includes a significant engagement in writing as a form of critical inquiry and scholarly expression to satisfy the WID requirement. Prerequisites: IBUS 3001, except by permission of instructor.

IBUS 4995. Independent Study. 1-4 Credits.

Students undertake research in an area of particular interest under the direction of an international business faculty member. May be repeated for credit. Faculty and department chair approval are required to enroll. Prerequisites: IBUS 3001 or permission of the instructor.

IBUS 5099. Variable Topics. 1-99 Credits.

IBUS 6101. Big Data for International Business. 3 Credits.

Using big data to address key business and socioeconomic problems. Introduction to research and policy applications, opportunities/challenges for data-intensive approaches to international business, and basic methods in data science and econometrics. Restricted to graduate students in the School of Business and the Elliott School. Prerequisites: Prior completion of a basic course in business statistics or econometrics. Recommended background: Possession of fundamental programming skills is useful but can be gained at the start of the course.

IBUS 6102. International Economics. 3 Credits.

Examination of the global economy from a variety of viewpoints, including trade, financial flows, and transmission of shocks; review of economic concepts and policies; and discussion of the management of the global economy and current challenges. Restricted to graduate students in the School of Business and the Elliott School. Credit cannot be earned for this course and ECON 6280.

IBUS 6201. International Marketing. 3 Credits.

Methods and tools for analyzing world markets and their respective consumers and environments to develop marketing strategies for a global market. Selecting new international markets for entry and establishing a brand and strong regional presence. Prerequisites: MBAD 6240 or MBAD 6245. Credit cannot be earned for this course and IBUS 3201.

IBUS 6202. Regional Strategy for Multinationals. 3 Credits.

Development of a framework to understand dynamic business, cultural, and economic environments in Asia and Latin America. Regional business strategies of multinational companies from outside and within Asia and Latin America that respond to business opportunities and challenges in these regions.

IBUS 6290. Special Topics. 3 Credits.

Topics vary by semester. May be repeated for credit provided the topic differs. Consult the Schedule of Classes for more details. Same As: ACCY 6900. Credit cannot be earned for this course and IAFF 6378.

IBUS 6297. International Management Experience. 1-6 Credits.

May be repeated for credit. Same As: FINA 6297, MGT 6297, MKTG 6297, SMPP 6297.

IBUS 6301. International Business Finance. 3 Credits.

Analysis of major issues and developments in the international financial environment and their impact on multinational corporations and financial institutions. Credit cannot be earned for this course and IBUS 3301.

IBUS 6303. External Development Financing. 3 Credits.

Institutions, instruments, and theory of external development financing; private sector financial flows to developing countries; development finance institutions (DFIs) and their policies, methods, and practices; role of institutions in development.

IBUS 6310. International Financial Reporting Standards. 1.5 Credit.

. Same As: ACCY 6112.

IBUS 6400. Oil: Industry, Economy, Society, and Security. 3 Credits.

Multidisciplinary approach to the study of oil and its effects on industry, markets, nation-states, economies, and security, primarily based on political-economy and management perspectives.

IBUS 6401. International Business Strategy. 3 Credits.

The changing nature of the international environment and the resulting impact on strategy of both U.S. and foreign multinational corporations. Marketing, production, and financial strategy. Focus of discussion is at the company level. Credit cannot be earned for this course and IBUS 4401.

IBUS 6402. Managing in Developing Countries. 3 Credits.

Challenges of operating in developing countries. Cross-country experience and case studies exploring issues of institutions, corruption, infrastructure, private–public partnerships, competition, regulation, and global standards. Credit cannot be earned for this course and IBUS 4402.

IBUS 6503. International Business Cornerstone. 1 Credit.

Prepares students for the practical side of the master's program in international business and for their careers. Students are provided with a toolkit to effectively identify their skills, talents, and interests. Restricted to students in the MS in international business program.

IBUS 6504. International Business Consulting Capstone. 2 Credits.

Students source and complete an international business consulting project for an external client. Relates to and is taken after IBUS 6503, in which students learn how to prepare and source such a project. Restricted to students in the MS in international business program. Prerequisites: IBUS 6503.

IBUS 6995. Directed Readings and Research. 3 Credits.

Supervised readings or research in selected fields within business administration. Permission of the instructor required prior to enrollment. May be repeated once for credit.

IBUS 6999. Thesis Seminar. 3 Credits.

No fixed content.

IBUS 8311. Seminar: Public–Private Sector Institutions and Relationships. 3 Credits.

An analysis and critique of alternative theoretical frameworks for describing, understanding, and predicting the nature, values, and actions of American public and private institutions. Problems, potentials, and alternatives for structuring public and private institutional arrangements to meet the needs of society. Same  as SMPP 8311.

IBUS 8361. Colloquium on International Business. 3 Credits.

Examination of selected topics in international business, with emphasis on major new theoretical and empirical developments. Topics vary by semester. May be repeated for credit provided topic differs. Consult the Schedule of Classes for more details.

IBUS 8397. Doctoral Seminar. 1-3 Credits.

No fixed content.

IBUS 8900. Thesis Research. 3 Credits.

No fixed content.

IBUS 8998. Advanced Readings and Research. 1-12 Credits.

May be repeated for credit. Restricted to doctoral candidates preparing for the general examination.

IBUS 8999. Dissertation Research. 1-12 Credits.

May be repeated for credit. Restricted to doctoral candidates.