Undergraduate Regulations


Information on registration procedures is stated on the Office of the Registrar's website and in the Schedule of Classes as published online. Registration in courses is open only to those persons formally admitted to the University by the appropriate admitting office and to continuing students in good standing.

Students cannot register concurrently in this university and another institution during the fall and spring semesters except for courses taken through the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area. Except for students enrolled in an approved dual or combined program, registration in more than one school of the University requires the written permission of the student advising offices concerned, prior to registration. Registration is not complete until all financial obligations have been met. Individuals without a valid registration cannot attend class or earn any course credit.

Eligibility for Registration

Registration for the following categories of on-campus students is held on the days of registration indicated on the Office of the Registrar's website. A student who is suspended or whose record is encumbered for any reason is not eligible to register. Registration in a given course can be denied to non-degree students by the Office of Non-Degree Students when space is needed for degree candidates.

  • New Student—Upon receipt of a letter of admission and payment of any required deposit, new students are eligible for registration on the stated days of registration. Registration for new first-year students is typically conducted on stated days as part of the New Student Orientation program.
  • Readmitted Student—A student previously registered in the University who was not registered for courses or continuous enrollment or on an approved leave of absence, during the preceding semester must apply for and be granted readmission by the appropriate admitting office before being eligible for registration.
  • Continuing Student—A student registered on campus in the immediately preceding semester or the summer session preceding the fall semester is eligible to register assuming good standing and enrollment in a continuing program.

Completion of Registration

Students who register for courses in any fall or spring semester or summer session incur a financial obligation to the University. Tuition and fees are due and must be paid in full by the first day of the University's fall and spring semesters and summer sessions as indicated on the Academic Calendar. Students can be de-registered for non-payment, but failure to drop registration, or to attend classes, does not exempt students from their financial obligation.

Registration for Consortium Courses

Degree students interested in taking courses at any of the other institutions in the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area should consult the program announcements of the other institutions. To participate in the Consortium program, students must obtain advisor approval and should ascertain from the department of the institution where the course is taught, whether they are eligible for the course, and whether there is space in the course. Consortium registration forms and detailed information concerning Consortium policies and procedures are available on the Office of the Registrar’s website.

Restrictions on Online Enrollment

Undergraduate students in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, Elliott School of International Affairs, GW School of Business, Milken Institute School of Public Health, and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences can enroll only in GW courses delivered through face-to-face instruction during the fall and spring semesters when they are in residence; when fall and spring classes are not in session (i.e., during the summer), such students can enroll in GW online courses. Students not enrolled in any courses at GW during the fall and/or spring semesters of an academic year can enroll in online courses at other regionally accredited colleges or universities for transfer of credit to GW. Such courses are subject to post-matriculation restrictions, which limit the number of courses taken after matriculation to no more than 9 credits (or 3 courses to a maximum of 12 credits total). Courses taken elsewhere for transfer credit must be approved by the relevant department.

Academic Workload and Student Status

For the purpose of defining student status, undergraduate students taking 12 or more credits per semester or summer session are considered to be full-time; those taking 9 to 11.5 credits per semester are considered to be three-quarters time; those taking 6 to 8.5 credits per semester are considered to be half-time; and all others are considered to be less than half-time.

Generally, an undergraduate becomes a sophomore upon completion of 30 credits, a junior upon completion of 60 credits, and a senior upon completion of 90 credits. A full-time undergraduate student on academic probation can register for up to 13 credits.

Undergraduate students taking more than 18 credits per semester are charged at the rate of 1 credit for each credit exceeding that limit, except for students in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, who are not charged for a 19th credit if required by their program.

Unless otherwise indicated, all programs of study are offered on both a full-time and part-time basis. International students who hold an F-1 or J-1 visa can only pursue full-time programs of study. Such students must register for and complete a workload each semester as defined by federal regulations. Additional information is available from the International Services Office.

Adding, Dropping, and Withdrawing from Courses

The following information pertains to courses taught on a traditional 15-week schedule in the fall and spring semesters. Specific deadlines for adding, dropping, and withdrawing from courses taught on a traditional schedule in the fall and spring semesters courses can be found on the Office of the Registrar website. Such deadlines for fall and spring semester courses taught on a non-traditional schedule are available from the respective school’s advising office.

Adding and Dropping Courses

During the registration period and before the end of the second week of classes, students can add or drop courses using the GWeb Information System.

During the third and fourth weeks of classes (after the second week and prior to the end of the fourth week), students can continue to drop courses using GWeb. Students who wish to add a course must complete the appropriate form. Adding a course after the second week of classes requires the signature of the instructor or other authorized member of the department. A course dropped during the first four weeks of classes do not appear on the student’s transcript.

After the fourth week of classes, students who wish to add a course must complete the appropriate form and submit it to their advising office. Adding a course after the fourth week of classes continues to require the signature of the instructor or other authorized member of the department. 

Withdrawing from Courses

Students who no longer wish to be enrolled in a course after the fourth week of classes and before the end of the tenth week of classes may withdraw from the course. The withdrawn course will be assigned a notation of W (Authorized Withdrawal). 

For undergraduate students in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, School of Nursing, and College of Professional Studies the deadline for withdrawing from a course is the end of the tenth week of classes in the fall or spring semester in which the student is enrolled in the course. A student who wishes to withdraw from any or all courses for which they are registered must submit a petition, along with substantial supporting documentation, to their advising office for consideration. Submission of a petition does not guarantee approval.

Undergraduate students in Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, Elliott School of International Affairs, GW School of Business, Milken Institute School of Public Health, and School of Engineering and Applied Science can withdraw from any or all undergraduate courses in those schools through the last day of classes in the fall or spring semester or summer session in which the student is enrolled in the course. Specific deadlines for each fall and spring semester can be found on the Office of the Registrar website. To withdraw from a course after the tenth week of classes, the student must submit a Registration Transaction Form (RTF) to their advising office, but no supporting documentation is required. The advising office will process the RTF unless withdrawing from the course would result in the student taking fewer credits than they are required to take.

Failure to withdraw by the stated deadlines can result in an extended financial obligation and the recording of a grade of F (Failure) or a notation of Z (Unauthorized Withdrawal). All charges for courses from which the student withdraws are subject to the refund policy listed on the Student Accounts Office website.

Complete Withdrawal from the University

Undergraduate degree-seeking students who wish to withdraw from all courses during a given semester must submit an Undergraduate Complete Withdrawal Form to their advisor and contact the Office for Student Success for assistance in finalizing their withdrawal.

The deadline for complete withdrawal from all courses is the last day of classes for students in Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, Elliott School of International Affairs, GW School of Business, Milken Institute School of Public Health, School of Engineering and Applied Science.

The deadline for complete withdrawal for students in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, School of Nursing, and College of Professional Studies is the end of the tenth week of classes. Complete withdrawal after the tenth week requires a petition to the student’s advising office. Submission of a petition does not guarantee approval.

Specific deadlines for complete withdrawal in each fall and spring semester can be found on the Office of the Registrar website.

All charges for courses from which the student withdraws are subject to the University's refund policy. Failure to complete an Undergraduate Complete Withdrawal Form can result in an extended financial obligation and the recording of grades of F (Failure) or notations of Z (Unauthorized Withdrawal).

The University is authorized to award the degree of associate in general studies under designated circumstances. This degree can be awarded to students in good standing who must leave GW after completing 60 credits in residence in a degree-granting GW school. Students should consult their school’s advising office for additional requirements for awarding of the associate in general studies.

Continuous Enrollment Status

Once entered in a degree program, a student is expected to be continuously enrolled and actively engaged in fulfilling the requirements for the degree each semester of the academic year until such time as the degree is conferred. A student is considered to be continuously enrolled when registered for courses through GW or when registered for continuous enrollment and engaged in and appropriately registered for activities such as the following, with the prior approval of the school in which the student is enrolled: cooperative work semester; study abroad program; attendance at another institution with prior approval to have work transferred back to the GW program; completion of outstanding work in courses in which a grade of Incomplete or In Progress was received; or non-course instructional activities unique to the particular school. This status is generally limited to one year. Should the student break continuous enrollment at the University and not request and be granted a leave of absence (see below), they must apply for readmission and, if granted, be subject to the requirements and regulations then in force.

Leave of Absence

A degree student who finds it necessary to interrupt active pursuit of the degree can petition their advising office for a leave of absence for a specific period of time, generally limited to one calendar year. A degree student who discontinues active enrollment in degree studies without being granted a leave of absence, or a student granted a leave who does not return to active study at the close of the period of approved absence, must apply for readmission and be subject to the regulations and requirements then in force. The right to the use of University facilities is suspended while the leave is in effect.

Policy Regarding Students Called to Active Military Duty

Any student who is a member of a military reserve unit or the National Guard and is activated or called to active duty early in a semester or summer session automatically are entitled to a full refund of all tuition and fees that they have paid toward the expenses of that academic term. If the notification of the call to active duty comes after the mid-term examinations or after other substantial graded work has been completed, the student has the option of either taking a full refund of tuition and fees or taking an Incomplete in their courses with the privilege of returning to complete all required coursework at some future date without payment of any further tuition and fee charges. It is the responsibility of the student to present evidence of their activation to the Office of Student Accounts and to request the appropriate refund.

Should a degree student called up for active duty find it necessary to interrupt active pursuit of the degree, the student can petition their advising office for a leave of absence for a specified period that cannot exceed five years. Student advisors are encouraged to grant any request to extend the leave of absence beyond the customary one-year period if required by the duration of military service.

Students who are service members and reservists are to be readmitted to a program if they are temporarily unable to attend class or have to suspend their studies due to service requirements. Students are accommodated if there are short absences due to service obligations, provided that satisfactory academic progress is being made by the service members and reservists prior to suspending their studies.  

Changes in Program of Study

Changes Within a School

A student cannot substitute one course for another within an established program of study or change status from credit to audit or from audit to credit without the approval of the advising office of the school in which they are registered. Change from one major field to another within the same school can be made with the approval of the advising office.

Undergraduate Transfer Within the University

Students are admitted to a home school at the time of their admission to the University. Those who wish to change their home school must submit an internal transfer request to the Office of the Registrar. A University-wide graduation requirement is that students must be registered in the school in which their primary major is housed. Some schools can require that certain prerequisite courses have been taken and that minimum grades have been earned before the transfer is processed. Transfer into a school does not guarantee placement in a limited-enrollment major and students are transferred into an undeclared major. Requests to transfer schools are not accepted prior to the second semester of the student’s enrollment at GW. Students should meet with an academic advisor in both their current school and the school into which they are requesting to transfer prior to submitting an internal transfer request. Additional information, including deadlines, limited-enrollment majors, and prerequisites for internal transfers, is available on the Office of the Registrar website.

Study Abroad and Other Forms of Study Away

The University distinguishes between study abroad and all other forms of study away from campus that can contribute to a GW degree. Study abroad programs are GW programs either run directly by the University or through agreements between GW and other schools or educational providers. These programs have rules for transferring credit that are different from other forms of study away from campus either in the United States or another country. Other forms of study away might include courses taken at universities within the United States or summer or winter break programs in other countries.

Study Abroad

Undergraduate students who wish to study abroad during the academic year should contact the Office for Study Abroad concerning eligibility, procedures, and requirements for participation. Semester and academic year participants are billed GW tuition and a study abroad program fee rather than the tuition and fees indicated by the visited school or program.

To be eligible for the transfer of academic credit from study abroad, GW students must select a program from the University’s authorized list of study abroad programs and enroll in a full-time equivalent workload while abroad. Students must have a 2.75 cumulative grade-point average at the time of application and must have completed 45 credits prior to departure. Students who have a significant disciplinary history or who are on academic or disciplinary probation at the time of their planned study abroad are not eligible to participate.

Up to 36 credits can be transferred from authorized study abroad programs. Non-GW course credits earned with a minimum grade of C- or equivalent are transferable toward the appropriate degree at GW, provided there is no duplication of previous coursework, and the designated faculty member determines a GW equivalent for each course. Participants agree to abide by all procedures and regulations for study abroad outlined in the Study Abroad Handbook and Participation Agreement, which are included in the GW Passport application. In addition to semester and academic year programs, study abroad is available at varying locations during the summer.

Other Forms of Study Away

Other forms of study away from GW that can contribute to a degree include summer or temporary study at a university within the United States; summer or temporary study in another country through direct student enrollment at a foreign university or with an educational provider; and all study in any location and of any duration that is not billed through GW and not shown on the student’s individual account.

Students can earn a maximum of 9 credits (or 3 courses to a maximum of 12 credits) combined in all such study away programs to be applied toward an undergraduate degree at GW.

For non-GW credit earned in a study away program to be applied toward a GW degree, domestic transfer credit must have been taken at an institutionally-accredited institution. International transfer credit must have been taken at an institution recognized by the country’s Ministry of Education. Such credit also must be pre-approved by the relevant GW faculty member(s) and school-based advisors and the Office of the Registrar. Procedures for transferring credit from other universities can be found on the Office of the Registrar website.

Assignment of Credits

A total of 37.5 hours of work per semester is required for each credit earned. Work for 1 credit consists of 50 minutes of direct or guided interaction, or one laboratory period, or 75 minutes of studio class, in addition to 100 minutes of independent learning per week during the course of a normal 15-week semester, which includes one week for examinations. Other combinations of time are possible, where appropriate; for example, when there is a higher proportion of instructional/interactional time for a laboratory or a lower proportion of instructional/interactional time for independent research. Class and study time can exceed these minimums to ensure that students meet course learning goals. See the full policy on the Provost's Office website for additional information.


Grades are made available to students through the GWeb Information System. Grades cannot be changed after a degree has been conferred.

Undergraduate Grading System

The following grading system is used for undergraduate students: A, Excellent; B, Good; C, Satisfactory; D, Low Pass; F, Fail. Other grades that can be assigned are A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, and D, P, Pass; and NP, No Pass. Symbols that can appear include AU, Audit; I, Incomplete; IPG, In Progress; R, Need to Repeat Course; RP Repeated Under Academic Forgiveness Policy; W, Authorized Withdrawal; and Z, Unauthorized Withdrawal.

Unauthorized Withdrawal

The symbol of is assigned when students are registered for a course that they have not attended or have attended only briefly, and in which they have done no substantial graded work. The symbol of is not a grade but an administrative notation.


The symbol I (Incomplete) indicates that a satisfactory explanation has been given to the instructor for the student’s inability to complete the required work of the course during the semester of enrollment. At the option of the instructor, the symbol I can be recorded if a student, for reasons beyond the student’s control, is unable to complete the work of the course, and if the instructor is informed of, and accepts, such reasons before the date when final grades must be reported. The symbol can be used only if the student’s prior performance and class attendance in the course have been satisfactory. If a student does not complete the work of a course, and no satisfactory explanation has been provided to the instructor before the deadline for final grades to be submitted, the grade of F, Failure, is recorded for the course. 

To assign an I, the instructor must enter under Faculty Grade Entry/Final Grades in GWeb the time frame the instructor, student, and school have agreed upon for the work of the course to be completed, which can be no more than one calendar year from the last day of the semester or summer session in which the course was taken. The instructor also must enter an Incomplete final grade, which is based on the work the student completed by the end of the semester or summer session in which the course was taken.

If completion of the work of the course within the designated time frame results in a grade other than the Incomplete final grade, the instructor submits a grade change form to the Office of the Registrar; the new grade is recorded with the corresponding quality points and the grade-point average is recalculated. If the instructor does not submit a grade change form, the symbol I converts automatically to the Incomplete final grade, with the corresponding quality points, and the grade-point average is recalculated.

If the work of the course has not been completed within the designated time frame, the grade converts automatically to the Incomplete final grade, with the corresponding quality points, and the grade-point average is recalculated. If the work for the course has not been completed after a period of one calendar year from the end of the semester or summer session in which the course was taken, and no Incomplete final grade is on record, the I changes automatically to the grade of F, Failure, 0 quality points, and the grade-point average is recalculated.

All students who receive an Incomplete must maintain active student status during the subsequent semester(s) in which the work of the course is being completed. If not registered in other courses during this period, the student must register for continuous enrollment status.

Repeating Courses for Credit

For courses that do not specifically state that repetition for credit is permitted, an undergraduate student can, with permission of the instructor teaching the course in question, repeat for credit a course in which a grade of B- (2.75) or below was received. The student must complete the appropriate form to register. Credit for the repeated course does not count toward degree requirements; the grade earned in the repeated course is, however, included in the student’s cumulative grade-point average.

Students also can repeat a course under the Undergraduate Academic Forgiveness Policy with the grade earned in the repeated course included in the student’s cumulative grade-point average. See details of the policy, below.

Undergraduate Academic Forgiveness Policy

Undergraduate students in Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, GW School of Business, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Elliott School of International Affairs, and Milken Institute School of Public Health are eligible to repeat for credit and grade forgiveness three undergraduate-level courses taken at GW in which they received a grade of D+ (1.3) or below, except if the failing grade was due to a violation of University's Code of Academic Integrity. With the approval of their academic advisor, a student can repeat a course under this policy at any time during their enrollment at GW; however, a course is not eligible for this policy if the student has taken a subsequent course for which the initial course is a prerequisite. The student’s registration, including the repeated course, cannot exceed 18 credits in the semester in which the course is repeated; students in the School of Engineering and Applied Science cannot exceed 19 credits.

Under this policy, the original grade remains on the transcript until the student repeats the course. Once the course is repeated, a permanent notation of RP replaces the grade for the first attempt of the course in the semester in which it was taken. The grade earned in the repeated course appears on the transcript in the semester in which the course was repeated. Only the grade earned for the repeat enrollment is factored into the student’s cumulative grade-point average. The grade for the repeat enrollment is the final grade for the course, regardless of whether it is above or below the original grade. In the case that a student wishes to repeat more than three courses for academic forgiveness, they must first receive approval from the chair of the department under which the course is housed.

Grade-Point Average

The following credit values are used in computing the undergraduate grade-point average: A, 4.0; A−, 3.7; B+, 3.3; B, 3.0; B−, 2.7; C+, 2.3; C, 2.0; C−, 1.7; D+, 1.3; D, 1.0; D−, 0.7; F, 0. Quality points are computed based on the credit value for each credit taken. The grade-point average is the total number of quality points earned divided by the total number of letter-graded credits undertaken. Both quality points and credits used in this calculation are based on the student’s record in this university.

Although credit value for a course in which a grade of F is earned appears on the transcript for the purpose of calculating the grade-point average, no academic credit is awarded. In the case of a student who is allowed to repeat a course, the first grade received remains on the student’s record and both the first grade and that received in the repeated course are included in calculating the grade-point average. Courses marked AU, I, IPG, P, NP, R, RP, W, or Z are not considered in determining the GPA; however, once a final grade is recorded for a course originally marked I, the grade is considered in that determination. Except for Consortium courses, grades in courses taken at other institutions are not considered in computing the grade-point average.

Academic Standing

Academic standing is determined at the end of each fall and spring semester. Undergraduate students are considered to be in good academic standing if at the end of any semester their grade-point average (GPA) for that semester and their cumulative GPA are 2.0 or above.

Academic probation—Undergraduate students are placed on academic probation if at the end of any semester their GPA for that semester or their cumulative GPA is below 2.0. Students on academic probation must fulfill all probation-related requirements of their home school to register for courses.

Suspension for poor scholarship—Undergraduate students who have attempted at least 24 credits at the University (to include all letter, I, NP, P, R, W, and Z grades) are subject to suspension for poor scholarship if they meet any of the following criteria:

  • The student’s current semester GPA is below 1.0; 
  • The student has completed two successive semesters without achieving semester and cumulative GPAs of 2.0 or above; or, 
  • The student has a semester or cumulative GPA below 2.0 in any three semesters at the University.

Readmission after Suspension for Poor Scholarship

Students suspended for poor scholarship may apply for readmission after one semester following the term of suspension. To be considered for readmission, students must earn a minimum of 12 credits at an accredited institution of higher education and demonstrate a likelihood of future academic success at the University. These credits cannot be taken at GW regardless of degree seeking or non-degree enrollment. Students are encouraged to meet with a GW academic advisor to discuss course options at the other institution that may strengthen their readmission application. Readmission is at the discretion of the school to which the student applies and is never guaranteed. Students granted readmission after suspension for poor scholarship are readmitted on academic probation.

Credit is not assigned for academic work completed while a student is suspended; however, readmitted students may petition their advising office to transfer credits from other colleges or universities in accordance with University regulations. See Earning Transfer Credit after Matriculation.

Students suspended twice for poor scholarship will not be readmitted to the University.

Dean’s List

Undergraduate students who, in any one semester, earn 12 credits or more and attain a minimum semester grade point average of 3.75 in letter-graded coursework, pass all non-graded credit courses, and do not have any Unauthorized Withdrawals (Z) or Incompletes (I), are placed on the Dean’s List for that semester.

Undergraduate Degree Requirements

To earn a bachelor’s degree, students must complete a minimum of 120 academic credits; meet the University General Education Requirement; meet school-specific requirements of their home school and requirements of at least one major within their home school; fulfill the residence requirement; and have a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.0. Additional school-specific regulations can apply.

Residence Requirement

To earn a bachelor’s degree, students must earn at least 60 credits at or through GW, which can include a University-authorized study abroad and study away program. At least 30 of the 60 credits earned at or through GW must be in upper-level courses (numbered 2000 or above); at least 12 credits in upper-level courses must be in the major field, and at least 6 credits in upper-level courses must be in the minor field, if sought.

University General Education Requirement

Under the University General Education Requirement, undergraduate students are required to take five Tier One courses (for a total of 19 to 20 credits) in a range of disciplines drawn from the social sciences, humanities, natural or physical sciences with a laboratory, mathematics or statistics, and writing. The general education curriculum engages students in active intellectual inquiry across the liberal arts. Students achieve a set of learning outcomes that meaningfully enhance their analytical skills, develop communication competencies, and familiarize them with modes of inquiry. See Undergraduate Education at GW for more information. University General Education courses cannot be taken at another institution and transferred into GW after a student has matriculated.


Undergraduates can declare no more than two minors. Students cannot declare a minor in the same subject in which they have declared a major. Students should address specific questions about this policy to the school’s advising office.

Double Majors

Undergraduates can declare no more than two majors; they can pursue no more than two minors in addition to the two majors if they wish, but generally are advised against pursuing too many specializations.

Students who graduate with the requisite credits for one degree, having fulfilled the major requirements in more than one department, program, and/or school, receive one degree. They must select a primary major, which determines the degree. Both majors are listed on the transcript.

Students who complete the major requirements in their home school and the major requirements in a second school receive the degree in the major of their home school. A notation on the transcript testifies to completion of requirements for a secondary major. It is understood that the requirements of the secondary major do not include the general education requirements of the second school.

Students who complete the major requirements for a degree different from the one they receive in their home school receive the degree of the relevant major in their home school. For example, a student in the School of Engineering and Applied Science completing the degree requirements for a BS in computer science and the major requirements for a BA in fine arts receives a BS in computer science with a secondary major in fine arts.

Students who complete two majors in the same school also receive one degree with two majors; if one major leads to a BA and one to a BS, the student must declare a primary major and receive the degree associated with that major.

Students whose first major leads to a BS degree must complete the BS curriculum for a second major if the second major offers both a BA and BS curriculum. For example, students whose primary degree and major is a BS in finance who want a second major in economics, chemistry, biology, or computer science, must complete the BS curriculum for these majors.

See individual school requirements for any additional information pertaining to double majors.

Double Degrees

To earn two bachelor’s degrees at the same time, students must be admitted to the school that offers the second degree; satisfy the general and major requirements for both degrees; complete at least 30 additional credits beyond the total minimum credits required to earn the primary degree; and earn 90 credits in residence at GW. Students interested in pursuing this option must have a cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.30 at the time of application. Requests for consideration should be sent to the student’s advising office.

Eligibility for Graduation

Degrees are conferred in January, May, and August. To be eligible for graduation a student must have met the admission requirements of the school in which registered; completed satisfactorily the scholarship, curriculum, residence, and other requirements for the degree as stated in this bulletin; filed an application for graduation by the published deadline date; and be free from all indebtedness to the University. Enrollment is required for the semester or summer session at the close of which the degree is to be conferred; all degree requirements must be completed by the last day of final examinations for that semester or summer session.

Undergraduates who pursue a double major across two schools must complete the primary major in their home school to graduate. A second major can supplement the primary major but cannot substitute for it.

A minimum of 120 credits and minimum cumulative grade-point average of 2.0 are required for degree conferral.

Application for Graduation

Application for graduation with a degree or certificate must be made during the semester in which the requirements are expected to be   completed. Students can apply for graduation online through the Apply for Graduation link under the Student Records menu in the GWeb Information System. If a student is unable to graduate at the end of the term for which application was made, the application for graduation carries forward to the subsequent term. Students in their tenth term of enrollment can be placed on the graduation list by the University. Students in this category who are added to the graduation list are notified by the Registrar’s Office.

Policy for Awarding Degrees

If an undergraduate student has completed all requirements for a degree and the student is otherwise eligible to be awarded the degree, the University reserves the right to award the degree.  If a student has ceased making reasonable progress toward completion of the requirements for all declared majors, minors, and concentrations, the University can remove any optional second majors, minors, or concentrations, if doing so allows for a degree to be awarded.

If a student wishes to pursue additional curricular options, such as a second major, minor, or concentration, they must formally declare those through their academic advising office.

Latin Honors

Bachelor’s degrees with honors are awarded to students whose academic records give evidence of particular merit. The student’s grade-point average determines the level of honors as follows: cum laude, 3.40–3.59; magna cum laude, 3.60–3.79; summa cum laude, 3.80–4.0. The grade-point average includes all coursework completed at GW. To be eligible for an honors designation, a student must complete at least 60 credits of coursework with letter grades (grades included in calculating the grade-point average) at GW.

The grade-point average is calculated, and the honors designation is entered on the transcript and diploma of those students who earn an honors designation. If Latin honors are entered in the commencement program, honors status is determined based on work completed by the term prior to the ceremony and entered only for those students who have completed seven-eighths of the credits required for the degree. Latin honors indicated on the diploma and transcript are calculated on the basis of all coursework completed. The diploma and transcript are the official indication that a degree was conferred and Latin honors awarded.

Special Honors

Special Honors can be awarded by the faculty to any undergraduate member of the graduating class for outstanding achievement in the student’s major field on recommendation of the major department. The student must fulfill all of the following requirements: (1) Candidacy for Special Honors must be approved by the faculty member representing the major department or field no later than the beginning of the semester following that in which the student completes 90 credits; (2) such other conditions as can be set at the time the candidacy is approved must be met; (3) at least one-half of the courses required for the degree must have been completed at GW; and, (4) the specific minimum requirement of the school in which the student is registered must be fulfilled as follows: (a) Columbian College of Arts and Sciences—a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 on all coursework taken at GW; (b) the Elliott School of International Affairs—a minimum grade-point average of 3.7 on all coursework taken at GW; (c) the Milken Institute School of Public Health—a minimum grade-point average of 3.25 on all coursework taken at GW. Special Honors awards appear on the transcript.

Participation in the Commencement Ceremony

Participation in the annual commencement ceremony held in May is open to degree-seeking students who have applied to graduate in the current spring semester, or graduated the preceding fall semester, or the preceding summer session. Summer graduates who have 9 or fewer credit hours to complete and who wish to attend the preceding May ceremony should check the Application Deadlines website.

Undergraduate students who need no more than 9 credits to complete their degree requirements can participate in the preceding May commencement ceremony if there is a reasonable expectation that they will be able to obtain the needed credits during the following summer. The maximum of 9 credits is firm and not subject to petition.

Non-Degree Students

The Office of Non-Degree Students makes credit-bearing courses available to those who are not degree candidates at GW and to students who have been admitted to the University for a future semester. Non-degree students can enroll for a maximum of 18 credits per semester at the undergraduate level, except in special circumstances as approved by the director of the Office of Non-Degree Students. Special program credit limits can vary. A limited number of credits taken as a non-degree student can be applied toward a GW degree program, subject to determination by the school or college that offers the program.

The Office of Non-Degree Students makes credit-bearing courses available to those who are not degree candidates at GW and to students who have been admitted to the University for a future semester. Non-degree students can enroll for a maximum of 18 credits per semester at the undergraduate level, except in special circumstances as approved by the director of the Office of Non-Degree Students. Special program credit limits can vary. A limited number of credits taken as a non-degree student can be applied toward a GW degree program, subject to determination by the school or college that offers the program.

Some medical and law courses are available to non-degree students. Additional information is available on the Law School and School of Medicine and Health Sciences websites.

Non-degree applicants must have appropriate academic preparation prior to enrollment. This includes course prerequisites, which are specified in course descriptions in this Bulletin. A non-degree applicant who previously attended this or another institution of higher education cannot enroll unless they left their most recent institution in good standing or the equivalent (i.e., not  academic dismissal, suspension, probation, warning, or similar).

The University determines, on a case-by-case basis, whether an applicant who has been suspended or dismissed from any educational institution is eligible to enroll as a non-degree student. An applicant who has been denied admission to any GW school or college is not eligible to enroll as a non-degree student for the same semester for which the application was denied. The University reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to deny admission to any applicant if the University determines that admission is not in the best interest of either the applicant or the University. Application and registration information is available on the Office of Non-Degree Students website. Non-degree students are subject to enrollment, withdrawal, and refund policies stated on the Office of the Registrar and the Student Accounts Office.

University Policies and Definitions

Reservation of Rights

The University reserves the right, with or without prior notice, to change requirements, rules, programs, policies, tuition, and fees whenever, in the University’s judgment, such changes are warranted. This includes, but is not limited to, changes to the form, location, and mode of instruction and changes to the academic calendar. Such changes shall go into force at the time specified by the University, and the University will provide advance notice of such changes when practicable. The University assumes no liability for any changes it determines are warranted. The University can, in its sole discretion, refund tuition or fees, in whole or in part, on account of any changes the University determines are warranted, but it is not required to make any such refunds.

University Policy on Equal Opportunity

The George Washington University does not unlawfully discriminate against any person on any basis prohibited by federal law, the District of Columbia Human Rights Act, or other applicable law, including without limitation, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. This policy covers all programs, services, policies, and procedures of the University, including admission to education programs and employment.

Inquiries concerning this policy and federal and local laws and regulations concerning discrimination in education and employment programs and activities can be directed to the University’s Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Access at (202) 994-9656. Inquiries can also be directed to the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or the applicable state or local agency (for example, the District of Columbia Office of Human Rights).

Questions regarding protections against discrimination on the basis of sex can be directed to the University’s Title IX Coordinator, in the Office of the Provost, Office for Diversity, Equity, and Community Engagement at (202) 994-7222.

Questions regarding the protections against discrimination on the basis of disability can be directed to the University’s Disability Services Coordinators. Students can contact the Associate Dean of Students, Administrative Services, Office of the Dean of Students at (202) 994-6710; and other members of the University community can contact the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action at (202) 994-9633.

To request disability accommodations, students should contact the Office of Disability Support Services at (202) 994-8250 or dss@gwu.edu. Employees and other members of the University community should contact the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action at (202) 994-9656 or eeo@gwu.edu.

Academic Integrity

The University community, in order to fulfill its purposes, must establish and maintain guidelines of academic behavior. All members of the community are expected to exhibit honesty in their academic work. Members of the community should educate themselves on what academic honesty means at GW, especially as expectations can vary based on culture, field of study, etc. Students are responsible for the honesty and integrity of their own work and are encouraged to ask instructors of record for clarification as needed to uphold academic integrity. Instructors of record are solely responsible for establishing academic assignments and methods of examination. Instructors of record are encouraged to choose assignments and methods of examination that promote academic integrity and to provide clear explanations of their expectations. When instructors of record identify actions that can violate such expectations and the University Code of Academic Integrity, those instructors are expected to address such incidents as described in the Code of Academic Integrity. The Code of Academic Integrity is facilitated by Conflict Education and Student Accountability in the Division for Student Affairs.

Patent and Copyright Policies

Students who produce creative works or make scientific discoveries while employed or supported by the University or through substantial use of University resources are subject to the University’s patent and copyright policies. Additional information is available on the Office of the Vice President for Research website.

Human Research Requirements

Students who are planning to conduct research involving the use of human subjects (for a thesis, dissertation, journal article, poster session, etc.) must obtain Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval before collecting any data. Additional information is available on the Office of the Vice President for Research’s website.

English for Academic Purposes

Undergraduate international students whose TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE scores fall below established cut-off points are required to take one or more courses in the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program. Undergraduate students receive credit for EAP courses. For detailed information concerning this requirement consult the English for Academic Purposes Program website.

Name of Record

A student’s name of record includes the first name, middle initial or full middle name, and family name. Nicknames cannot be used. The University will change the name of a currently enrolled student on its official records but will require satisfactory evidence of a legal basis for the change. The diploma is awarded under the official name of record at the time of graduation.


Students can attend only those courses for which they are officially registered. Regular attendance is expected. Students can be dropped from any course for undue absence. A student suspended for any cause cannot attend classes during the period of suspension. Students are held responsible for all of the work of the courses in which they are registered, and all absences must be excused by the instructor before provision is made to make up the work missed.


A credit can be defined as one 50-minute class period, one laboratory period, or 75 minutes of studio class per week for one semester. Credit is given only after completion of registration in a course and satisfactory completion of the required work, or upon the assignment of advanced standing in accordance with the regulations of the school concerned. Credit that has been applied to the completion of a degree at GW or any other institution cannot subsequently be applied to another degree.


An individual who has been admitted to the University can be registered, with the permission of the instructor, as an auditor in a course (no academic credit). An auditor is not required to take an active part in the course or to pass examinations. A student who takes a course as an auditor cannot repeat it later for credit. Tuition is charged at the prevailing rate. A student cannot change from audit to credit status or vice versa after the end of the eighth week of classes.

Earning Transfer Credit after Matriculation

Undergraduate students who plan to attend another institution while enrolled at GW and apply credits earned at that institution toward GW degree requirements must complete an Undergraduate Transfer Credit Approval form and secure the written approval of the GW department that offers a comparable course and from the student’s advising office. Except for credits earned from GW study abroad and GW domestic study away programs, no more than 9 credits (or 3 courses to a maximum of 12 credits total) can be transferred from regionally accredited colleges or universities after matriculation. 

Students cannot register concurrently in this university and another institution during the fall and spring semesters except for courses taken through the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area.

Transcripts of Record

Official transcripts of student records are issued upon written request of the student or former student who has no administrative holds on their record. Partial transcripts are not issued. Students have access to their unofficial student record through the GWeb Information System; unofficial transcripts are available regardless of hold status.

Student Conduct

Students, upon participating in any official University activity or enrolling—whichever occurs first—and while attending this University, including leaves of absence and continuous enrollment, are subject to relevant University policies, including the Code of Student Conduct, which outlines student rights and responsibilities of conduct, and other policies and regulations as adopted and published by appropriate University authorities. Copies of these documents can be obtained from the Division for Student Affairs or from advising offices. The student conduct process focuses on restorative and educational approaches. Repeated or first-time serious violations can result in sanctions up to and including expulsion from the University. Regulations or requirements applicable only to a particular program, facility, or class of students cannot be published generally, but such regulations or requirements shall be published or made available in a manner reasonably calculated to inform affected students.

Right to Dismiss Students

The University reserves the right to dismiss or exclude any student from the University, or from any course or courses, according to the published behavioral and academic guidelines and the related processes.

University Policy on the Release of Student Information

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) applies to institutional policies and practices governing access to and release of student education records.

The University can release the following directory information upon request: name, local address including e-mail, and telephone number; name and address of emergency contact; dates of attendance; school of enrollment; field of study; enrollment status; credits earned; degrees earned; honors received; participation in University-recognized organizations and activities, including intercollegiate athletics; and height, weight, and age of members of athletic teams, as well as likenesses used in University publications. Date of birth is considered directory information only for the purpose of complying with applicable laws. A student who does not wish such directory information released must file written notice to this effect in the Office of the Registrar.

The University’s policy on the protection and permissible disclosures of student information is published in the Privacy of Student Records available in the Office of Ethics, Compliance, and Privacy or the offices of the academic deans.

Student Identification Number/Social Security Number

While not used as a student identification number, the Social Security Number (SSN) is still needed to identify the student for purposes of financial aid eligibility and disbursement and repayment of financial aid and other debts payable to the University. The SSN is required when applying for financial aid. The Internal Revenue Service requires the University to file information that includes a student’s SSN and other information such as the amount paid for qualified tuition, related expenses, and interest on educational loans. This information is used to help determine whether a student, or a person claiming a student as a dependent, can take credit or deduction to reduce federal and/or state income taxes. Many efforts are made to protect the privacy of this number.

Property Responsibility

The University is not responsible for the loss of personal property. Lost and found services for GW’s three main campuses are maintained by the Facilities Planning, Construction, and Management Department.

Graduate Regulations


Information on registration procedures are stated on the Office of the Registrar's website and in the Schedule of Classes as published online. Registration in courses is open only to those persons formally admitted to the University by the appropriate admitting office and to continuing students in good standing. Students cannot register concurrently in this University and another institution during the fall and spring semesters except for courses taken through the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area. Except for students enrolled in an approved dual or joint program, registration in more than one school of the University requires the written permission of the student advising offices concerned, prior to registration. Registration is not complete until all financial obligations have been met. Individuals without a valid registration cannot attend class or earn any course credit.

Eligibility for Registration

Registration for the following categories of on-campus students is held on the days of registration indicated on the Office of the Registrar’s website. A student who is suspended or whose record is encumbered for any reason is not eligible to register. Registration in a given course may be denied to non-degree students by the Office of Non-Degree Students when space is needed for degree candidates.

  • New Student—Upon receipt of a letter of admission and payment of any required deposit, new students are eligible for registration on the stated days of registration. 
  • Readmitted Student—A student previously registered in the University who was not registered for courses, continuous enrollment, or on an approved leave of absence, during the preceding semester must apply for and be granted readmission by the appropriate admitting office before being eligible for registration.
  • Continuing Student—A student registered on campus in the immediately preceding semester or the summer session preceding the fall semester is eligible to register assuming good standing and enrollment in a continuing program.

Completion of Registration

Students who register for courses in any fall or spring semester or summer session incur a financial obligation to the University. Tuition and fees are due and must be paid in full by the first day of the University's fall and spring semesters and summer sessions as indicated on the Academic Calendar. Students may be de-registered for non-payment, but failure to drop registration, or to attend classes, does not exempt students from their financial obligation.

Registration for Consortium Courses

Degree students interested in taking courses at any of the other institutions in the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area should consult the program announcements of the other institutions. To participate in the Consortium program, students must obtain advisor approval and should ascertain from the department of the institution where the course is taught, whether they are eligible for the course, and whether there is space in the course. Consortium registration forms and detailed information concerning Consortium policies and procedures are available on the Office of the Registrar’s website.

Academic Workload and Student Status

Graduate students should consult with their program’s advising office to determine an academic workload that meets the requirements for their degree program.

For the purpose of defining student status, graduate students taking 9 or more credits in the fall and spring semesters are considered to be full-time; those taking 6.75 to 8.9 credits per semester are considered to be three-quarters time; and those taking 4.5 to 6.74 credits per semester are considered to be half-time; and all others are considered to be less than half-time.

In the summer, graduate students taking 6 or more credits in a session  or combination of sessions are considered to be full-time; those taking 4.5 to 5.9 credits per session are considered to be three-quarters time; those taking 3 to 4.49 credits per session are considered to be half-time; and all others are considered to be less than half-time.

There may be instances where graduate students are engaged in more academic work than is reflected in the number of credits ­­­for which they are enrolled. In such cases, students can request to be certified as full- or half-time when registered for fewer credits than officially required (see above) by completing a Half Time/Full Time Certification Request form, which includes instructions for submitting a request for review. Approval is not guaranteed.

International students who hold an F-1 or J-1 visa can only pursue full-time programs of study. Such students must register for and complete a full-time workload each semester as defined by federal regulations. Additional information is available from the International Services Office.

Adding, Dropping, and Withdrawing from Courses

The following information pertains to courses taught on a traditional 15-week schedule in the fall and spring semesters. Specific deadlines for adding, dropping, and withdrawing from courses taught on a traditional schedule in the fall and spring semesters courses can be found on the Office of the Registrar website. Such deadlines for fall and spring semester courses taught on a non-traditional schedule are available from the respective school’s advising office.

Adding and Dropping Courses

During the registration period and before the end of the second week of classes, students can add or drop courses using the GWeb Information System.

During the third and fourth weeks of classes (after the second week and prior to the end of the fourth week), students can continue to drop courses using GWeb. Students who wish to add a course must complete the appropriate form and submit it to the Student Services Hub or email it to registrar@gwu.edu. Adding a course after the second week of classes requires the signature of the instructor or other authorized member of the department. A course dropped during the first four weeks of classes do not appear on the student’s transcript.

After the fourth week of classes, students who wish to add a course must complete the appropriate form and submit it to their advising office. Adding a course after the fourth week of classes continues to require the signature of the instructor or other authorized member of the department. 

Withdrawing from Courses

Students who no longer wish to be enrolled in a course after the fourth week of classes and before the end of the tenth week of classes may withdraw from the course. The withdrawn course will be assigned a notation of W (Authorized Withdrawal).For graduate students, the deadline for withdrawing from a course is the end of the tenth week of classes in the fall and spring semesters.Deadlines for withdrawing from a courses in the summer sessions can be found on the Office of the Registrar website.

After the end of the tenth week of classes, graduate students who wish to withdraw from any or all courses for which they are registered must submit a petition, along with substantial supporting documentation, to their advising office for consideration. Submission of a petition does not guarantee approval. Appropriate withdrawal forms are available on the Office of the Registrar’s website.

Failure to withdraw by the stated deadlines can result in an extended financial obligation and the recording of a grade of (Failure) or a notation of (Unauthorized Withdrawal).

All charges for courses from which the student withdraws are subject to the refund policy listed on the Student Accounts Office website.

Complete Withdrawal from the University

Graduate degree-seeking students who wish to withdraw from all courses during a given semester must submit the Complete Withdrawal Form for Graduate Students to their advising office before the last day of the tenth week of classes.

The deadline for complete withdrawal from all courses is the end of the tenth week of classes. Specific deadlines for complete withdrawal in each fall and spring semester can be found on the Office of the Registrar website.

A complete withdrawal after the tenth week of classes requires a petition to the student’s advising office. Submission of a petition does not guarantee approval.

Failure to complete the Graduate Complete Withdrawal Form can result in an extended financial obligation and the recording of grades of (Failure) or notations of (Unauthorized Withdrawal). All charges for courses from which the student withdraws are subject to the University's refund policy.

Continuous Enrollment Status

Once entered in a degree program, a student is expected to be continuously enrolled and actively engaged in fulfilling the requirements for the degree each semester of the academic year until such time as the degree is conferred. A student is considered to be continuously enrolled when registered for courses through GW or when registered for continuous enrollment and engaged in and appropriately registered for activities such as the following, with the prior approval of the school in which the student is enrolled: cooperative work semester; study abroad program; attendance at another institution with prior approval to have work transferred back to the GW program; completion of outstanding work in courses in which a grade of Incomplete or In Progress was received; or non-course instructional activities unique to the particular school. This status is generally limited to one year. Should the student break continuous enrollment at the University and not request and be granted a leave of absence (see below), they must apply for readmission and, if granted, be subject to the requirements and regulations then in force.

Leave of Absence

A degree student who finds it necessary to interrupt active pursuit of the degree can petition their advising office for a leave of absence for a specific period of time, generally limited to one calendar year. A degree student who discontinues active enrollment in degree studies without being granted a leave of absence, or a student granted a leave who does not return to active study at the close of the period of approved absence, must apply for readmission and be subject to the regulations and requirements then in force. The right to use University facilities is suspended while the leave is in effect.

Policy Regarding Students Called to Active Military Duty

Any student who is a member of a military reserve unit or the National Guard and is activated or called to active duty early in a semester or summer session automatically are entitled to a full refund of all tuition and fees that they have paid toward the expenses of that academic term. If the notification of the call to active duty comes after the mid-term examinations or after other substantial graded work has been completed, the student has the option of either taking a full refund of tuition and fees or taking an Incomplete in their courses with the privilege of returning to complete all required coursework at some future date without payment of any further tuition and fee charges. It is the responsibility of the student to present evidence of their activation to the Student Accounts Office and to request the appropriate refund.

Should a degree student called up for active duty find it necessary to interrupt active pursuit of the degree, the student can petition their advising office for a leave of absence for a specified period that cannot exceed five years.

Should a degree student called up for active duty find it necessary to interrupt active pursuit of the degree, the student can petition their advising office for a leave of absence for a specified period that cannot exceed five years. Student advisors are encouraged to grant any request to extend the leave of absence beyond the customary one-year period if required by the duration of military service.

Students who are service members and reservists are to be readmitted to a program if they are temporarily unable to attend class or must suspend their studies due to service requirements. Students are accommodated if there are short absences due to service obligations, provided that satisfactory academic progress is being made by the service members and reservists prior to suspending their studies. 

Changes in Program of Study

Changes Within a School

A student cannot substitute one course for another within an established program of study or change status from credit to audit or from audit to credit without the approval of the advising office of the school in which they are registered. Change from one major field to another within the same school can be made with the approval of the advising office.

Graduate Transfer Within the University

Application for transfer to another school must be made to the appropriate admitting office on the form provided by the office concerned.

Study Abroad

Graduate students who wish to study abroad should consult their program’s advising office.

Assignment of Credits

A total of 37.5 hours of work per semester is required for each credit earned. Work for 1 credit consists of 50 minutes of direct or guided interaction, or one laboratory period, or 75 minutes of studio class, plus 100 minutes of independent learning per week during the course of a normal 15-week semester, which includes one week for examinations. Other combinations of time are possible, where appropriate; for example, when there is a higher proportion of instructional/interactional time for a laboratory or a lower proportion of instructional/interactional time for independent research). Class and study time may exceed these minimums to ensure that students meet course learning goals. See the full policy for additional information.


Grades are made available to students through the GWeb Information System. Grades cannot be changed after a degree has been conferred.

Graduate Grading System

The following grading system is used for graduate students: A, Excellent; B, Good; C, Satisfactory; F, Fail; other grades that can be assigned are A, B+, B, C+, C−, CR, Credit; and NC, No Credit. Symbols that can appear include AU, Audit; I, Incomplete; IPG, In Progress; W, Authorized Withdrawal; Z, Unauthorized Withdrawal. Failure to withdraw by the stated deadlines can result in an extended financial obligation and the recording of a grade of F (Failure) or a notation of Z (Unauthorized Withdrawal). 

Unauthorized Withdrawal 

The symbol of is assigned when students are registered for a course that they have not attended or have attended only briefly, and in which they have done no substantial graded work. The symbol of is not a grade but an administrative notation.


The symbol I (Incomplete) indicates that a satisfactory explanation has been given to the instructor for the student’s inability to complete the required work of the course during the semester of enrollment. At the option of the instructor, the symbol I can be recorded if a student, for reasons beyond the student’s control, is unable to complete the work of the course, and if the instructor is informed of, and accepts, such reasons before the date when final grades must be reported. The symbol can be used only if the student’s prior performance and class attendance in the course have been satisfactory. If a student does not complete the work of a course, and no satisfactory explanation has been provided to the instructor before the deadline for final grades to be submitted, the grade of F, Failure, is recorded for the course.

To assign an I, the instructor must enter under Faculty Grade Entry/Final Grades in GWeb the time frame the instructor, student, and school have agreed upon for the work of the course to be completed, which can be no more than one calendar year from the last day of the semester or summer session in which the course was taken. The instructor also must enter an Incomplete final grade, which is based on the work the student completed by the end of the semester or summer session in which the course was taken.

If completion of the work of the course within the designated time frame results in a grade other than the Incomplete final grade, the instructor submits a grade change form to the Office of the Registrar; the new grade is recorded with the corresponding quality points and the grade-point average is recalculated. If the instructor does not submit a grade change form, the symbol I converts automatically to the Incomplete final grade, with the corresponding quality points, and the grade-point average is recalculated.

If the work of the course has not been completed within the designated time frame, the grade converts automatically to the Incomplete final grade, with the corresponding quality points, and the grade-point average is recalculated. If the work for the course has not been completed after a period of one calendar year from the end of the semester or summer session in which the course was taken, and no Incomplete final grade is on record, the I changes automatically to the grade of F, Failure, 0 quality points, and the grade-point average is recalculated.

All students who receive an Incomplete must maintain active student status during the subsequent semester(s) in which the work of the course is being completed. If not registered in other courses during this period, the student must register for continuous enrollment status,

Repeating Courses for Credit

Except for courses that specifically state that repetition for credit is permitted, a candidate for a graduate degree at this University cannot repeat a course in which a grade of C− (1.7) or above was received, unless required to do so by the department concerned. A written statement, indicating that the student is required to repeat the course, must be submitted to the student’s advising office by the appropriate department chair.

Grade-Point Average

The following credit values are used in computing the graduate grade-point average: A, 4.0; A−, 3.7; B+, 3.3; B, 3.0; B−, 2.7; C+, 2.3; C, 2.0; C−, 1.7; and F, 0. Quality points are computed based on the credit value for each credit taken. The grade-point average is the total number of quality points earned divided by the total number of letter-graded credits undertaken. Both quality points and credits used in this calculation are based on the student’s record in this university.

Although credit value for a course in which a grade of F is earned appears on the transcript for the purpose of calculating the grade-point average, no academic credit is awarded. In the case of a student who is allowed to repeat a course, the first grade received remains on the student’s record and is included in the grade-point average. Courses marked AU, CR/NC, I, IPG, W, or Z are not considered in determining the average; however, once a final grade is recorded for a course originally marked I, the grade is considered in that determination. Except for Consortium courses, grades in courses taken at other institutions are not considered in computing the grade-point average.

Eligibility for Graduation

Degrees are conferred in January, May, and August. To be eligible for graduation a student must have met the admission requirements of the school in which registered; completed satisfactorily the scholarship, curriculum, residence, and other requirements for the degree as stated in this bulletin; filed an application for graduation by the published deadline date; and be free from all indebtedness to the University. Enrollment is required for the semester or summer session at the close of which the degree is to be conferred, and all degree requirements must be completed by the last day of final examinations for that semester or summer session. 

The minimum cumulative grade-point average required for graduation is 3.0 for graduate students.

Columbian College of Arts and Sciences (CCAS) and School of Business (GWSB) graduate students—For the purpose of graduation from the University, CCAS and GWSB graduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 in coursework counting toward the degree program. 

Application for Graduation

Application for graduation with a degree or certificate must be made during the semester in which the requirements are expected to be completed. Students can apply for graduation online through the Apply for Graduation link under the Student Records menu in the GWeb Information System. If a student is unable to graduate at the end of the term for which application was made, the application for graduation carries forward to the subsequent term. Students in their tenth term of enrollment can be placed on the graduation list by the University. Students in this category who are added to the graduation list are notified by the Registrar’s Office.

Graduate Thesis or Dissertation

Graduate students whose program includes a thesis or dissertation must meet published Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) deadlines for graduation in a given semester or summer session.

Doctoral candidates who have not successfully defended their dissertation and met the ETD deadline cannot participate in either the May commencement or hooding ceremony.

Students who apply for graduation after the published deadlines are not guaranteed commencement materials. Summer graduates who elect to attend the preceding May ceremony must apply for graduation no later than February 1.

A thesis or dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for a degree must be presented in its final form by the deadline set by the school concerned. Accepted theses and dissertations, with accompanying files, become the property of the University. Accepted theses and dissertations are submitted electronically; the student pays a processing fee directly to ProQuest. See the appropriate school in this Bulletin for regulations governing theses and dissertations.

Participation in the Commencement Ceremony

Participation in the annual commencement ceremony held in May is open to degree-seeking students who have applied to graduate in the current spring semester, or graduated the preceding fall semester, or the preceding summer session. Summer graduates who have 9 or fewer credit hours to complete and who wish to attend the preceding May ceremony should check the Application Deadlines website.

Non-doctoral graduate students who need no more than 9 credits to complete their degree requirements can participate in the preceding May commencement ceremony if there is a reasonable expectation that they will be able to obtain the needed credits during the following summer. The maximum of 9 credits is firm and not subject to petition.

Doctoral candidates must have completed all academic requirements, been cleared by their school, and successfully defended their dissertations by the posted ETD deadlines in order to be eligible to participate in the May commencement or hooding ceremonies. See below.

Non-Degree Students

The Office of Non-Degree Students makes credit-bearing courses available to those who are not degree candidates at GW and to students who have been admitted to the University for a future semester. Non-degree students can enroll for a maximum of 12 credits per semester at the graduate level, except in special circumstances as approved by the Director of the Office of Non-Degree Students. Special program credit limits may vary. A limited number of credits taken as a non-degree student can be applied toward a GW degree program, subject to determination by the school or college that offers the program.

Some medical and law courses are available to non-degree students. Additional information is available on the Law School and School of Medicine and Health Sciences websites.

Non-degree applicants must have appropriate academic preparation prior to enrollment. This includes course prerequisites, which are specified in course descriptions in this Bulletin. A non-degree applicant who previously attended this or another institution of higher education may not enroll unless they left their most recent institution in good standing or the equivalent (i.e., not due to academic dismissal, suspension, probation, warning, or similar). 

A non-degree applicant who previously attended this or another institution of higher education cannot enroll unless they left their most recent institution in good standing or the equivalent (i.e., not academic dismissal, suspension, probation, warning, or similar). The University determines, on a case-by-case basis, whether an applicant who has been suspended or dismissed from any educational institution is eligible to enroll as a non-degree student. An applicant who has been denied admission to any GW school or college is not eligible to enroll as a non-degree student for the same semester for which the application was denied. The University reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to deny admission to any applicant if the University determines that admission is not in the best interest of either the applicant or the University. Application and registration information is available on the Office of Non-Degree Students website. Non-degree students are subject to enrollment, withdrawal, and refund policies stated on the Office of the Registrar and the Student Accounts Office websites.

University Policies and Definitions

Reservation of Rights

The University reserves the right, with or without prior notice, to change requirements, rules, programs, policies, tuition, and fees whenever, in the University’s judgment, such changes are warranted. This includes, but is not limited to, changes to the form, location, and mode of instruction and changes to the academic calendar. Such changes shall go into force at the time specified by the University, and the University will provide advance notice of such changes when practicable. The University assumes no liability for any changes it determines are warranted. The University may, in its sole discretion, refund tuition or fees, in whole or in part, on account of any changes the University determines are warranted, but it is not required to make any such refunds.

University Policy on Equal Opportunity

The George Washington University does not unlawfully discriminate against any person on any basis prohibited by federal law, the District of Columbia Human Rights Act, or other applicable law, including without limitation, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. This policy covers all programs, services, policies, and procedures of the University, including admission to education programs and employment.

Inquiries concerning this policy and federal and local laws and regulations concerning discrimination in education and employment programs and activities can be directed to the University’s Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Access at (202) 994-9656. Inquiries can also be directed to the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or the applicable state or local agency (for example, the District of Columbia Office of Human Rights).

Questions regarding protections against discrimination on the basis of sex can be directed to the University’s Title IX Coordinator, the Vice Provost for Diversity, Equity, and Community Engagement at (202) 994-7440.

Questions regarding the protections against discrimination on the basis of disability can be directed to the University’s Disability Services Coordinators. Students can contact the Associate Dean of Students, Administrative Services, Office of the Dean of Students at (202) 994-6710; and other members of the University community can contact the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action at (202) 994-9633.

To request disability accommodations, students should contact the Office of Disability Support Services at (202) 994-8250 or dss@gwu.edu. Employees and other members of the University community should contact the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action at (202) 994-9656 or eeo@gwu.edu.

Academic Integrity

The University community, in order to fulfill its purposes, must establish and maintain guidelines of academic behavior. All members of the community are expected to exhibit honesty in their academic work. Members of the community should educate themselves on what academic honesty means at GW, especially as expectations may vary based on culture, field of study, etc. Students are responsible for the honesty and integrity of their own work and are encouraged to ask instructors of record for clarification as needed to uphold academic integrity. Instructors of record are solely responsible for establishing academic assignments and methods of examination. Instructors of record are encouraged to choose assignments and methods of examination that promote academic integrity and to provide clear explanations of their expectations. When instructors of record identify actions that may violate such expectations and the University Code of Academic Integrity, those instructors are expected to address such incidents as described in the Code of Academic Integrity. The Code of Academic Integrity is facilitated by Conflict Education and Student Accountability in the Division for Student Affairs.

Students in the Law School and MD students in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences are under separate academic integrity policies for their specific programs.

Patent and Copyright Policies

Students who produce creative works or make scientific discoveries while employed or supported by the University or through substantial use of University resources are subject to the University’s patent and copyright policies. See the Office of the Vice President for Research

Human Research Requirements

Students who are planning to conduct research involving the use of human subjects (for a thesis, dissertation, journal article, poster session, etc.) must obtain Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval before collecting any data. For more information see the Office of the Vice President for Research.

English for Academic Purposes

Graduate international students whose TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE scores fall below established cut-off points are required to take one or more courses in the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program. Graduate students do not receive credit for EAP courses. For detailed information concerning this requirement consult the English for Academic Purposes Program website.

Name of Record

A student’s name of record includes the first name, middle initial or full middle name, and the family name. Nicknames cannot be used. The University will change the name of a currently enrolled student on its official records but will require satisfactory evidence of a legal basis for the change. The diploma is awarded under the official name of record at the time of graduation.


Students can attend only those courses for which they are officially registered. Regular attendance is expected. Students can be dropped from any course for undue absence. A student suspended for any cause cannot attend classes during the period of suspension. Students are held responsible for all of the work of the courses in which they are registered, and all absences must be excused by the instructor before provision is made to make up the work missed.


A credit is defined as one 50-minute class period, one laboratory period, or 75 minutes of studio class per week for one semester. Credit is given only after completion of registration in a course and satisfactory completion of the required work, or upon the assignment of advanced standing in accordance with the regulations of the school concerned. Credit that has been applied to the completion of a degree at GW or any other institution cannot subsequently be applied to another degree.


An individual who has been admitted to the University may be registered, with the permission of the instructor, as an auditor in a course (no academic credit). An auditor is not required to take active part or to pass examinations. A student who takes a course as an auditor cannot repeat it later for credit. Tuition is charged at the prevailing rate. A student cannot change from audit to credit status or vice versa after the end of the eighth week of classes.

Earning Transfer Credit after Matriculation

Graduate students who wish to attend another institution while enrolled at GW and apply credits earned at that institution toward GW degree requirements should confer with their school or college regarding restrictions, limitations, and process for approval.

Transcripts of Record

Official transcripts of student records are issued upon written request of the student or former student who has no administrative holds on their record. Partial transcripts are not issued. Students have access to their unofficial student record through the GWeb Information System.

Student Conduct

Students, upon participating in any official University activity or enrolling (whichever occurs first) and while attending this University (including leaves of absence and continuous enrollment), are subject to relevant University policies, including the Code of Student Conduct, which outlines student rights and responsibilities of conduct, and other policies and regulations as adopted and published by appropriate University authorities. Copies of these documents may be obtained from the Division for Student Affairs or from advising offices. The student conduct process focuses on restorative and educational approaches.  Repeated or first-time serious violations may result in sanctions up to and including expulsion from the University. Regulations or requirements applicable only to a particular program, facility, or class of students cannot be published generally, but such regulations or requirements shall be published or made available in a manner reasonably calculated to inform affected students.

Students in the Law School and MD students in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences are under separate academic integrity policies for their specific programs.

Right to Dismiss Students

The University reserves the right to dismiss or exclude any student from the University, or from any course or courses, according to the published behavioral and academic guidelines and the related processes.

University Policy on the Release of Student Information

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) applies to institutional policies and practices governing access to and release of student education records.

The University may release the following directory information upon request: name, local address including e-mail, and telephone number; name and address of emergency contact; dates of attendance; school of enrollment; field of study; enrollment status; credits earned; degrees earned; honors received; participation in University-recognized organizations and activities (including intercollegiate athletics); and height, weight, and age of members of athletic teams, as well as likenesses used in University publications. Date of birth will be considered directory information only for the purpose of complying with applicable laws. A student who does not wish such directory information released must file written notice to this effect in the Office of the Registrar.

The University’s policy on the protection and permissible disclosures of student information is published in the Privacy of Student Records statement available in the Office of Ethics, Compliance, and Privacy and in the offices of the academic deans.

Student Identification Number/Social Security Number

While not used as a student identification number, the Social Security Number (SSN) is still needed to identify the student for purposes of financial aid eligibility and disbursement and repayment of financial aid and other debts payable to the University. The SSN is required when applying for financial aid. The Internal Revenue Service requires the University to file information that includes a student’s SSN and other information such as the amount paid for qualified tuition, related expenses, and interest on educational loans. This information is used to help determine whether a student, or a person claiming a student as a dependent, may take credit or deduction to reduce federal and/or state income taxes. Many efforts are made to protect the privacy of this number.

Property Responsibility

The University is not responsible for the loss of personal property. Lost and found services for GW’s three main campuses are maintained by the Facilities Planning, Construction, and Management Department.