Advanced Placement Equivalents 

Assuming there is no duplication of coursework, a maximum of 24 credits may be awarded based on work completed while enrolled in high school through examinations such as Advanced Placement, A-Level, and International Baccalaureate.

Credit through Examination

In order to receive credit for College Board Advanced Placement (AP) examinations, students must have official score results forwarded directly to GW Office of Undergraduate Admission from the College Board. GW's College Board code is 5246.

Be aware that credit earned by examination at other colleges or universities or examinations taken after having taken the appropriate college-level course will not transfer credit to GW.

The chart below shows GW course equivalents.

Advanced Placement (AP) Examination Score Credits Awarded GW Course Equivalent
AP Art History 4 or 5 6 CAH 1031 and CAH 1032
AP Music Theory 4 or 5 3 CMUS 1101
AP Studio Art: 2-D Design 4 or 5 3 CSA 1099*
AP Studio Art: 3-D Design 4 or 5 3 CSA 1099*
AP Studio Art: Drawing 4 or 5 3 CSA 1301
AP English Language and Composition 4 or 5 3 UW 1099*
AP English Literature and Composition 4 or 5 3 ENGL 1050
History and Social Science
AP Comparative Government and Politics 4 or 5 3 PSC 1001
AP European History 4 or 5 3 HIST 1120
AP Human Geography 4 or 5 3 GEOG 1001
AP Microeconomics 4 or 5 3 ECON 1011
AP Macroeconomics 4 or 5 3 ECON 1012
AP Psychology 4 or 5 3 PSYC 1001
AP United Stated Government and Politics 4 or 5 3 PSC 1002
AP United States History 4 or 5 6 HIST 1310 and HIST 1311
AP World History 4 or 5 3 HIST 1011
Math and Computer Science
AP Calculus AB (or AB subscore of the BC exam) 4 or 5 3 MATH 1231
AP Calculus BC 4 or 5 6 MATH 1231 and MATH 1232
AP Computer Science A 4 or 5 3 CSCI 1111
AP Computer Science Principles 4 or 5 3 CSCI 1021
AP Statistics 4 or 5 3 STAT 1051
AP Biology 4 or 5 8 BISC 1111 and BISC 1112
AP Chemistry 4 or 5 8 CHEM 1111 and CHEM 1112
AP Environmental Science 4 or 5 3 GEOL 1099*
AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based 4 or 5 4 PHYS 1011
AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based 4 or 5 4 PHYS 1012
AP Physics C: Mechanics 4 or 5 4 PHYS 1021
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 4 or 5 4 PHYS 1022
World Languages and Cultures
AP Chinese Language and Culture 4 4 CHIN 2003
5 8 CHIN 2003 and CHIN 2004
AP French Language and Culture 5 6 FREN 1004 and FREN 2005
AP German Language and Culture 4 3 GER 1099*
5 6 GER 2009 and GER 2010
AP Italian Language and Culture 5 6 ITAL 1004 and ITAL 2005
AP Japanese Language and Culture 4 4 JAPN 2003
5 8 JAPN 2003 and JAPN 2004
AP Latin 4 3 LATN 2001
5 3 LATN 2002
AP Spanish Language and Culture 5 6 SPAN 1014 and SPAN 2005
AP Spanish Literature and Culture 4 or 5 3 SPAN 2006

 * If there is no direct GW course equivalent, credits are transferred in using course number 1099 under the appropriate departmental designation.

The University reserves the right to change its AP equivalents policy without advance notice.

A-Level Equivalents

Assuming there is no duplication of coursework, a maximum of 24 credits may be awarded based on work completed while enrolled in high school through examinations such as Advanced Placement, A-Level, and International Baccalaureate.

Credit through Examination

In order to receive credit for Advanced-Level (A-Level) examinations, students must have their final (not provisional), official exam results sent directly from the exam board or their secondary school to the GW Office of the Registrar as soon as they are available.

Be aware that credit earned by examination at other colleges or universities or examinations taken after having taken the appropriate college-level course does not transfer credit to GW.

The chart below shows GW course equivalents. If there is no direct GW course equivalent, credits are transferred in using course number 1099 under the appropriate departmental designation.

A-Level Score Credits Awarded GW Course Equivalent
Accounting A*, A, B, C 8 ACCY 1099
Africaans A*, A, B, C 6 IDIS 1099
Arabic A*, A, B, C 6 ARAB 1099
Art and Design A*, A, B, C 6 CSA 1099
Biology A*, A, B, C 8 BISC 1111 and BISC 1112
Business A*, A, B, C 6 BADM 1099
Chemistry A*, A, B, C 8 CHEM 1099
Chinese A*, A, B, C 6 CHIN 1099
Classical Studies A*, A, B, C 6 CLAS 1099
Computer Science A*, A, B, C 8 CSCI 1099
Design and Technology A*, A, B, C 6 IDIS 1099
Design & Textiles A*, A, B, C 6 IDIS 1099
Digital Media and Design A*, A, B, C 6 CGD 1099
Divinity A*, A, B, C 6 REL 1099
Drama and Theatre A*, A, B, C 6 CTAD 1099
Economics A*, A, B, C 6 ECON 1011 and ECON 1012
English – Language A*, A, B, C 6 UW 1099
English – Literature A*, A, B, C 6 ENGL 1099
Food Studies A*, A, B, C 6 IDIS 1099
French A*, A, B, C 6 FREN 1099
Geography A*, A, B, C 6 GEOG 1099
German A*, A, B, C 6 GER 1099
Global Perspectives and Research A*, A, B, C 6 IDIS 1099
Hindi A*, A, B, C 6 IDIS 1099
Hinduism A*, A, B, C 6 REL 1099
History A*, A, B, C 6 HIST 1099
Information Technology A*, A, B, C 6 CSCI 1099
Islamic Studies A*, A, B, C 6 REL 1099
Law A*, A, B, C 6 IDIS 1099
Marathi A*, A, B, C 6 IDIS 1099
Marine Science A*, A, B, C 6 GEOL 1099
Mathematics A*, A, B, C 8 MATH 1231
Mathematics – Further A*, A, B, C 8 MATH 1232
Media Studies A*, A, B, C 6 SMPA 1099
Music A*, A, B, C 6 CMUS 1099
Philosophy A*, A, B, C. 6 PHIL 1099
Physics A*, A, B, C 8 PHYS 1099
Politics A*, A, B, C 6 PSC 1099
Portuguese A*, A, B, C 6 PORT 1099
Psychology A*, A, B, C 6 PSYC 1099
Religious Studies A*, A, B, C 6 REL 1099 and PHIL 1099
Sociology A*, A, B, C 6 SOC 1099
Spanish A*, A, B, C 6 SPAN 1099
Tamil A*, A, B, C 6 IDIS 1099
Thinking Skills A*, A, B, C 6 IDIS 1099
Travel and Tourism A*, A, B, C 6 TSTD 1099
Urdu A*, A, B, C 6 IDIS 1099

 The University reserves the right to change its A-Level equivalents policy without advance notice.

International Baccalaureate Equivalents

Assuming there is no duplication of coursework, a maximum of 24 credits may be awarded based on work completed while enrolled in high school through examinations such as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and A-Levels.

Credit through Examination

In order to receive credit for International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations, students must have their official score results sent to GW Office of Undergraduate Admissions as soon as they are available. Official International Baccalaureate (IB) results should be sent as soon as they are available.

Be aware that credit earned by examination at other colleges or universities, or examinations taken after having taken the appropriate college-level course does not transfer credit to GW.

The chart below shows GW course equivalents.

IB examination Score Credits awarded GW course equivalent
Studies in Language and Literature
Arabic A1 (Literature; Language and Literature) - Higher Level 6 or 7 3 ARAB 1099*
Chinese A1 (Literature; Language and Literature) - Higher Level 6 or 7 3 CHIN 2003 and CHIN 2004
English A1- Higher Level 6 or 7 3 ENGL 1340
French A1 (Literature; Literature and Language) - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 FREN 2005 and FREN 2006
5 6 FREN 1004 and FREN 2005
French A1 (Literature; Language and Literature) - Standard Level 7 6 FREN 1004 and FREN 2005
German A1 (Literature; Language and Literature) - Higher Level 6 or 7 3 GER 1099*
Greek (Literature; Language and Literature) - Higher Level 6 or 7 3 GREK 1099*
Indonesian A1 (Literature; Language and Literature) - Higher Level 6 or 7 3 IDIS 1099*
Italian A1 (Literature; Language and Literature) - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 ITAL 2005 and ITAL 2006
5 6 ITAL 1004 and ITAL 2005
Italian A1 (Literature; Language and Literature) - Standard Level 7 6 ITAL 1004 and ITAL 2005
Japanese A1 (Literature; Language and Literature) - Higher Level 6 or 7 8 JAPN 2003 and JAPN 2004
Korean A1 (Literature; Language and Literature) - Higher Level 6 or 7 3 KOR 1099*
Latin (Literature; Language and Literature) - Higher Level 6 or 7 3 LATN 1099*
Persian A1 (Literature; Language and Literature) - Higher Level 6 or 7 3 IDIS 1099*
Portuguese A1 (Literature; Language and Literature) - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 PORT 1003 and PORT 1004
Russian A1 (Literature; Language and Literature) - Higher Level 6 or 7 3 SLAV 1099*
Spanish A1 (Literature; Language and Literature) - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 SPAN 2005 and SPAN 2006
5 6 SPAN 1014 and SPAN 2005
Spanish A1 (Literature; Language and Literature) - Standard Level 7 6 SPAN 1014 and SPAN 2005
Turkish A1 (Literature; Language and Literature) - Higher Level 6 or 7 3 IDIS 1099*
Language Acquisition
Arabic B - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 ARAB 1099*
Chinese B - Higher Level 6 or 7 8 CHIN 1099*
English B None None
French B - Higher Level 7 6 FREN 2005 and FREN 2006
6 6 FREN 1004 and FREN 2005
German B - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 GER 1099*
Italian B - Higher Level 7 6 ITAL 2005 and ITAL 2006
6 6 ITAL 1004 and ITAL 2005
Japanese B - Higher Level 6 or 7 8 JAPN 1099*
Korean B - Higher Level 6 or 7 8 KOR 1099*
Portuguese B - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 PORT 1099*
Spanish B - Higher Level 7 6 SPAN 2005 and SPAN 2006
6 6 SPAN 1014 and SPAN 2005
Individuals and Societies
Business Management - Higher Level 6 or 7 3 BADM 1099*
Digital Society - Higher Level 6 or 7 3 IDIS 1099*
Economics - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 ECON 1011 and ECON 1012
Geography - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 GEOG 1001 and GEOG 1099*
Global Politics - Higher Level 6 or 7 3 PSC 1099*
History - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 HIST 1099*
History of Africa and the Middle East - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 HIST 1099*
History of the Americas - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 HIST 1099*
History of Asia and Oceania - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 HIST 1099*
History of Europe - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 HIST 1099*
Information Technology in a Global Society - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 IDIS 1099*
Philosophy - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 PHIL 1099*
Psychology - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 PSYC 1099*
Social and Cultural Anthropology - Higher Level 6 or 7 3 ANTH 1002
Biology - Higher Level 6 or 7 8 BISC 1111 and BISC 1112
Chemistry - Higher Level 6 or 7 8 CHEM 1099*
Computer Science - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 CSCI 1099*
Design Technology - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 IDIS 1099*
Physics - Higher Level 6 or 7 8 PHYS 1099*
Sports, Exercise, and Health Science - Higher Level 6 or 7 3 EXNS 1099*
Mathematics - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 MATH 1099*
Mathematics (Analysis and Approaches) - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 MATH 1099*
Mathematics (Applications and Interpretation) - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 MATH 1099*
The Arts
Art/Design - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 CSA 1099*
Film - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 FILM 1099*
Music - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 CMUS 1099*
Theatre Arts - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 CTAD 1099*
Visual Arts - Higher Level 6 or 7 6 CSA 1099*

* If there is no direct GW course equivalent, credits are transferred in using course number 1099 under the appropriate departmental designation.

The University reserves the right to change its IB equivalents policy without advance notice. 

Assignment of Credits for Transfer Students

The University has different policies for transfer credit depending on the school or college to which the student is transferring.

Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, Elliott School of International Affairs, GW School of Business, Milken Institute School of Public Health, and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences admit both incoming freshmen and students who have attended a post-secondary institution after completing a high school diploma. These schools share the same transfer policy for undergraduate students (see below).

The School of Nursing (SON), School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS), and College of Professional of Professional Studies (CPS) admit only students who have attended an institution of higher learning after earning a high school diploma. Each of these schools applies its own transfer policy for undergraduate students (see below).

For the Following GW Schools:

  • Columbian College of Arts and Sciences (CCAS)
  • Elliott School of International Affairs (ESIA)
  • GW School of Business (GWSB)
  • Milken Institute School of Public Health (GWSPH)
  • School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS)

Provided there is no duplication involved through coursework or examination, domestic transfer credit may be granted for coursework successfully completed at other regionally accredited institutions of higher learning. International transfer credit may be granted for coursework successfully completed at an institution of higher learning recognized by the relevant country’s ministry of education or equivalent body. Transfer credit is not awarded for the Joint Services Transcript (JST) to undergraduate students admitted to these schools. Students admitted to other GW schools (School of Medicine and Health Sciences, School of Nursing, and College of Professional Students) should contact the respective school’s admissions office to inquire about JST credit.

Assignment of transfer credit depends on the grade earned, the appropriateness of the coursework, the standing of the institution at which the coursework was completed, and the regulations of the school or college to which the student is transferring. For CCAS, ESIA, GWSB, GWSPH, and SEAS, coursework completed at another institution must have received a grade of C- or above to be accepted for transfer credit.

While there is no limit to the number of credits that can be transferred to the University, GW’s residence requirement limits the number of transfer credits that can be applied toward a degree. Students must complete at least 60 credits of the total credits required for their degree at or through the University. Credits earned through GW Study Abroad, GW satellite campuses, GW distance education, and the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area are treated as in residence.

Transfer credit must satisfy the requirements for the degree sought as stated in this Bulletin. The University reserves the right to determine course equivalency and degree applicability. Transfer credit is not assigned for coursework completed in vocational/technical programs (e.g., internships and practicums) or pre-college level remedial work. Each GW school or college reserves the right to refuse credit for transfer in whole or in part. If a grade earned in a course is eligible to be accepted for transfer credit, the course may satisfy a curriculum requirement and counts toward the number of credits completed. The grades from these courses are not used in calculating a student's GW grade-point average.

Pre-Matriculation Credit for Incoming Freshmen

Assuming there is no duplication of coursework, a maximum of 24 credits can be awarded based on coursework completed while enrolled in high school through examinations such as Advanced Level (A-Level), Advanced Placement (AP), and International Baccalaureate (IB). While there is no limit to the number of pre-matriculation credits a high school student can transfer to GW from a post-secondary institution, students must complete at least 60 credits of the total credits required for their degree at or through GW. Coursework taken at another institution must have received a grade of C- or above to be accepted for transfer credit.

School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Undergraduate transfer credit can be awarded for appropriate coursework completed at other regionally accredited institutions provided minimum grade requirements have been met. The minimum acceptable grade is C for coursework to be applied toward an undergraduate degree; grades of C- and below do not transfer. Transfer credit also can be considered from Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations, as well as the College Level Examination Program (CLEP exams). Refer to GW Undergraduate Admissions for information on maximum credits, minimum scores, and GW course equivalents for AP and IB credits. Advanced standing also can be awarded for non-traditional classroom or clinical experience as determined by the individual programs. The University reserves the right to determine course equivalency and degree applicability. Health Sciences degree programs vary in the amount of advanced standing they award. For bachelor's programs, no more than 60 credits are accepted as advanced standing. Degree candidates who are currently enrolled at GW and plan to take courses at other regionally accredited institutions for transfer credit must first obtain program approval. Students in the medical laboratory sciences and molecular diagnostic science programs should refer to the respective program handbook for specific transfer credit policies and procedures.

Transfer credit that is accepted and applied to a student's GW academic record counts toward the number of credits completed only. The grades from these courses are not used in calculating a student's GW grade-point average.

School of Nursing

Transfer credit can be awarded for coursework completed at other accredited institutions provided minimum grade requirements have been met and the coursework is appropriate to the degree. Coursework completed at another institution must have received a grade of or above to be accepted for transfer credit. Students must complete at least 60 credits of the total credits required for their degree at GW. Nursing courses completed at other academic institutions are not eligible for transfer into the accelerated bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) program. The School of Nursing reserves the right to determine course equivalency and degree applicability. 

Transfer credit that is accepted and applied to a student's GW academic record counts toward the number of credits completed only. The grades from these courses are not used in calculating a student's GW grade-point average.

College of Professional Studies

Subject to individual program requirements, transfer credit can be awarded for coursework
completed at any regionally accredited institution, provided the coursework was completed with
a grade of C or above and is appropriate to the degree. No more than 60 credits can be accepted
for transfer. The College of Professional Studies (CPS) reserves the right to determine course
equivalency and degree applicability.

Once enrolled, CPS students cannot transfer credit from coursework taken outside the
University, except under extraordinary circumstances and with the advance permission of the
dean. The exception is the bachelor of professional studies in homeland security program,
wherein transfer credit counted toward general education and elective course requirements can
be completed at any regionally accredited institution before or during enrollment in the program
or within five years of completing all other degree requirements.

Transfer credit that is accepted and applied to a student's GW academic record counts toward the number of credits completed only. The grades from these courses are not used in calculating a student's GW grade-point average.