Explanation of Course Numbers

  • Courses in the 1000s are primarily introductory undergraduate courses
  • Those in the 2000s to 4000s are upper-level undergraduate courses that also may be taken for graduate credit with permission and additional work assigned
  • Those in the 6000s and 8000s are for master’s, doctoral, and professional-level students
  • The 6000s are open to advanced undergraduate students with approval of the instructor and the dean or advising office

CHEM 1000. Dean's Seminar. 3 Credits.

Contemporary topics in chemistry.

CHEM 1003. Energy, Environment, and Society: Current Issues and Future Outlook. 3 Credits.

Contemporary topics in environmental chemistry and its sociopolitical implications.

CHEM 1004. Medicinal Chemistry: from Atoms to Vaccines. 3 Credits.

Contemporary topics in physical, biological, and medical science. CHEM 1003 is not a prerequisite to CHEM 1004.

CHEM 1099. Variable Topics. 1-36 Credits.

CHEM 1105. Building a Chemistry Identity. 3 Credits.

Provides formal and informal opportunities for first- and second-year students to build their chemistry identity as a major or as a minor. Assignments focus on professional development, career exploration, and academic leadership. Restricted to undergraduate students. Corequisites: CHEM1111 or permission of the instructor.

CHEM 1110. Fundamentals of Chemistry. 2 Credits.

Central concepts of chemistry including the metric system, unit conversions, classification of matter, periodicity, atomic structure, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, and chemical equilibrium. Emphasis on mathematical and analytical skills required for effective problem solving. Restricted to students who successfully completed high school algebra prior to matriculation and have completed the ALEKS chemistry preparatory course at GW without achieving at least 95 percent mastery.

CHEM 1111. General Chemistry I. 4 Credits.

Atomic structure and properties; stoichiometry; gas, liquid, and solid state; chemical bonding; solutions; chemical kinetics and equilibria; thermodynamics; acids and bases; electrochemistry; descriptive chemistry. Restricted to students who have successfully completed high school algebra prior to matriculation and have completed the ALEKS chemistry preparatory course at GW and achieved at least 95 percent mastery.

CHEM 1112. General Chemistry II. 4 Credits.

Continuation of CHEM 1111. Atomic structure and properties; stoichiometry; gas, liquid, and solid state; chemical bonding; solutions; chemical kinetics and equilibria; thermodynamics; acids and bases; electrochemistry; descriptive chemistry. Laboratory fee. Prerequisite: CHEM 1111.

CHEM 1113. General Chemistry for Engineers. 4 Credits.

One semester general chemistry course for students majoring in engineering. Students in applied science and technology, environmental engineering, or pre-med track should take CHEM 1111 and CHEM 1112 in lieu of this course. Restricted to students who have successfully completed high school algebra prior to matriculation and have completed the ALEKS chemistry preparatory course at GW and achieved at least 95 percent mastery or passed CHEM 1110 Laboratory fee.

CHEM 2000. Sophomore Colloquium. 3 Credits.

Sophomore colloquia are small, seminar-type classes that deeply engage CCAS second-year students in a discipline, focus on a narrow issue of high interest and impact, and require independent research projects. May be repeated provided topic differs. Consult the Schedule of Classes for more details. Restricted to CCAS sophomores.

CHEM 2085. Environmental Chemistry. 3 Credits.

Chemistry and physics of the environment, with emphasis on water and air pollution; environmental analysis and modeling and their limitations.

CHEM 2118W. Practicing Science Communications. 3 Credits.

Development of science communications methods through frequent practice with instructor and peer feedback: presentations, video, policy briefings, editorial, and short review articles. Tips for different audience types, from experts to public. Includes a significant engagement in writing as a form of critical inquiry and scholarly expression to satisfy the WID requirement.

CHEM 2122. Introductory Quantitative Analysis. 3 Credits.

Theory and practice of quantitative analysis by modern methods; evaluation of analytical data emphasizing detection and correction of experimental errors. CHEM 2123 may be taken as a corequisite. Prerequisites: CHEM 1112.

CHEM 2123. Introductory Quantitative Analysis Laboratory. 1 Credit.

Laboratory complement to CHEM 2122. Laboratory fee. CHEM 2122 may be taken as a corequisite. Prerequisites: CHEM 2122.

CHEM 2123W. Introductory Quantitative Analysis Laboratory. 1 Credit.

Laboratory complement to CHEM 2122. Laboratory fee. CHEM 2122 may be taken as a corequisite. Prerequisites: CHEM 2122. Includes a significant engagement in writing as a form of critical inquiry and scholarly expression to satisfy the WID requirement.

CHEM 2151. Organic Chemistry I. 3 Credits.

Systematic treatment of the structure, preparation, properties, and reactions of the principal classes of organic compounds. Fundamental principles of stereochemistry, reaction mechanisms, and spectroscopic methods of analysis. Prerequisites: CHEM 1112.

CHEM 2152. Organic Chemistry II. 3 Credits.

Continuation of CHEM 2151. Systematic treatment of the structure, preparation, properties, and reactions of the principal classes of organic compounds. Fundamental principles of stereochemistry, reaction mechanisms, and spectroscopic methods of analysis. Prerequisite: CHEM 2151.

CHEM 2153. Organic Chemistry Laboratory I. 1 Credit.

Laboratory compnent of CHEM 2151. Introduction to and practice in basic skills of synthesis, separation, purification, and identification of organic compounds. CHEM 2151 may be taken as a corequisite. Laboratory fee. Prerequisite: CHEM 2151.

CHEM 2154. Organic Chemistry Laboratory II. 1 Credit.

Continuation of CHEM 2153. Laboratory component of CHEM 2152. Introduction to and practice in basic skills of synthesis, separation, purification, and identification of organic compounds. CHEM 2152 may be taken as a corequisite. Laboratory fee. Prerequisites: CHEM 2152 and CHEM 2153.

CHEM 2199. Frontiers of Chemical Research. 1 Credit.

Introduction to research in the chemistry department. Faculty present their current research in the areas of analytical, biological, environmental, inorganic, organic, physical, and theoretical chemistry. Restricted to undergraduate students. Prerequisites: CHEM1112 or permission of the instructor.

CHEM 3099. Variable Topics. 1-12 Credits.

CHEM 3140. Geochemistry. 3 Credits.

Chemical systems and processes on the planet Earth; origins and interactions among and within the Earth’s lithosphere, oceans, and atmosphere; origin, distribution, and behavior of the elements; radioactive and stable isotope systems. Aqueous geochemistry; geochemical cycles. Prerequisites: GEOL 1001 or GEOL 1005; and CHEM 1111 and CHEM 1112.

CHEM 3165. Biochemistry I. 3 Credits.

Introduction to the chemistry of living cells; structure and function of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids; enzyme structure, mechanism, and regulation. Prerequisites: CHEM 2151 and CHEM 2152. Credit cannot be earned for this course and BIOC 3261, BISC 3261.

CHEM 3166. Biochemistry II. 3 Credits.

Continuation of CHEM 3165. Introduction to the chemistry of living cells; structure and function of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids; enzyme structure, mechanism, and regulation. Credit toward the degree cannot be earned for both CHEM 3166 and BIOC 3263/BISC 3263. Prerequisite: CHEM 3165.

CHEM 3166W. Biochemistry II. 3 Credits.

Continuation of CHEM 3165. Introduction to the chemistry of living cells; structure and function of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids; enzyme structure, mechanism, and regulation. Includes a significant engagement in writing as a form of critical inquiry and scholarly expression to satisfy the WID requirement. Credit toward the degree cannot be earned for both CHEM 3166W and BIOC 3263/BISC 3263. Prerequisite: CHEM 3165.

CHEM 3167. Biochemistry Laboratory. 2 Credits.

Practice and theory of modern biochemistry and chemical biology laboratory techniques used to study biological macromolecules and their interactions with drugs and small molecules. Prerequisites: BIOC 3261, or BISC 3261, or CHEM 3165. Same As: BISC 3167.

CHEM 3170. Introduction to Physical Chemistry. 3 Credits.

Thermodynamics, chemical and physical equilibria, kinetics, and spectroscopy. Examples taken from biological systems. May not be taken for credit by students who have received credit for CHEM 3171 and CHEM 3172 or an equivalent course. Restricted to non-chemistry majors. Prerequisites: CHEM 1111 and CHEM 1112; and MATH 1231; and PHYS 1012 or PHYS 1022 or PHYS 1026; or permission of the instructor. Credit cannot be earned for this course and CHEM 3171, CHEM 3172.

CHEM 3171. Physical Chemistry I. 3 Credits.

Gas laws, chemical thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, kinetics, quantum chemistry, atomic and molecular spectra, structure of solids, liquids, and macromolecules. Prerequisites: CHEM 1112, MATH 1231 and PHYS 1022; or permission of the instructor.

CHEM 3172. Physical Chemistry II. 3 Credits.

Continuation of CHEM 3171. Gas laws, chemical thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, kinetics, quantum chemistry, atomic and molecular spectra, structure of solids, liquids, and macromolecules. Prerequisites: CHEM 3171.

CHEM 3173. Physical Chemistry Laboratory. 2 Credits.

Laboratory complement to CHEM 3171 and CHEM 3172. Exploration of molecular structure and bonding as revealed through observation. CHEM 2123 and CHEM 3171 may be taken as a corequisite. Laboratory fee. Prerequisites: CHEM 2123 and CHEM 3171.

CHEM 3262. Biochemistry Laboratory. 2 Credits.

Study of common experimental techniques used in life science laboratories to separate and characterize biological macromolecules. Laboratory fee. (Same as: BISC 3262 and CHEM 3262). Prerequisites: BIOC 3261 or BISC 3261.

CHEM 3263W. Special Topics in Biochemistry. 2 Credits.

Includes a significant engagement in writing as a form of critical inquiry and scholarly expression to satisfy the WID requirement.

CHEM 3564. Lipid Biotechnology. 2 Credits.

Study of common experimental techniques used in life science laboratories to separate and characterize biological macromolecules. Laboratory fee. Prerequisites: BIOC 3261 or BISC 3261 or CHEM 3165. (Same as BIOC 3564)

CHEM 4113. Chemical Instrumentation. 3 Credits.

Electronic analog measurements and control of electrical quantities in chemical instrumentation; digital and analog data conversion and optimization of electronic measurements in chemical instrumentation; computer interfacing and programming using PC-based systems. Prerequisite: CHEM 3172 and CHEM 4122. Laboratory fee.

CHEM 4122. Instrumental Analytical Chemistry. 3 Credits.

Theory of instrumental methods in qualitative and quantitative analysis, determination of structure, with emphasis on atomic and molecular spectrophotometry, infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry, chromatography, and electroanalysis. Corequisite: CHEM 4123. CHEM 3171 may be taken as a corequisite. Prerequisites: CHEM 3171 or permission of the instructor.

CHEM 4123. Instrumental Analytical Chemistry Laboratory. 2 Credits.

Laboratory complement to CHEM 4122. CHEM 3171 and CHEM 4122 may be taken as a corequisite. Laboratory fee. Prerequisites: CHEM 3171 and CHEM 4122.

CHEM 4134. Inorganic Chemistry. 3 Credits.

Periodic trends and structure and reactivity of transitional metal complexes. Prerequisites: CHEM 2122.

CHEM 4195. Undergraduate Research. 1-3 Credits.

Research on problems approved by the staff. Approval must be obtained prior to registration. A final written report on the work is required. For students requesting Special Honors in chemistry, a poster or oral presentation is also required. May be repeated for credit. Majors are encouraged to take the course for two semesters. Laboratory fee.

CHEM 4195W. Undergraduate Research. 1-3 Credits.

Research on problems approved by the staff. Approval must be obtained prior to registration. A final written report on the work is required. For students requesting Special Honors in chemistry, a poster or oral presentation is also required. May be repeated for credit. Majors are encouraged to take the course for two semesters. Includes a significant engagement in writing as a form of critical inquiry and scholarly expression to satisfy the WID requirement. Laboratory fee.

CHEM 5099. Variable Topics. 1-99 Credits.

CHEM 6221. Spectrochemical Analysis. 3 Credits.

Theory and application of recent spectrometric methods of analysis, including advances in optimization techniques, optical instrumentation, atomic spectrometry, laser-based analytical techniques, X-ray methods, and surface analysis techniques. Prerequisite: CHEM 4122.

CHEM 6222. Biomedical Mass Spectrometry. 3 Credits.

Principles, instrumentation, methods, and applications of mass spectrometry; selected state-of-the-art methods demonstrate basic principles to show how new methods of analysis are developed; typical applications highlight solutions of biomedical problems, including proteomics and metabolomics. Prerequisite: CHEM 4122.

CHEM 6233. Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis. 3 Credits.

Transition metal organometallic chemistry, including structure and bonding, ligands, their reactivity and application to catalysis. Students design and synthesize organometallic complexes applicable to organic synthesis and industrial catalysis and evaluate improvement in efficiency and environmental impact. Prerequisites: CHEM 2151, CHEM 2152 and CHEM 4134. Recommended background: prior completion of college-level organic and inorganic chemistry.

CHEM 6235. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I. 3 Credits.

Application of modern chemical theories to inorganic substances and reactions; detailed study, developed from the periodic table, of the chemistry of the more common elements; electronic spectra and reaction mechanisms of complexes; organometallic chemistry; homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis; bioinorganic chemistry. Prerequisites: CHEM 3172 and CHEM 4134.

CHEM 6236. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II. 3 Credits.

Continuation of CHEM 6235. Application of modern chemical theories to inorganic substances and reactions; detailed study, developed from the periodic table, of the chemistry of the more common elements; electronic spectra and reaction mechanisms of complexes; organometallic chemistry; homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis; bioinorganic chemistry. Prerequisites: CHEM 3172 and CHEM 4134.

CHEM 6238. Chemistry of Inorganic Materials. 3 Credits.

Synthesis, structure, and properties of materials such as ceramics, superconductors, ionic conductors, nanomaterials, and magnetic, optical, and electronic materials. Emphasis on traditional and low-temperature routes. Prerequisites: CHEM 3171 and CHEM 3172.

CHEM 6251. Advanced Organic Chemistry I. 3 Credits.

Synthesis, reactions, and properties of organic compounds; fundamental theories of organic chemistry, emphasis on reaction mechanisms. Prerequisite: CHEM 2152.

CHEM 6252. Advanced Organic Chemistry II. 3 Credits.

Continuation of CHEM 6251. Synthesis, reactions, and properties of organic compounds; fundamental theories of organic chemistry, emphasis on reaction mechanisms. Prerequisite: CHEM 6251.

CHEM 6256. Medicinal Chemistry. 3 Credits.

Introduction to topics in drug design and discovery. Fundamental mechanisms of drug action, and techniques of drug design and drug development. Prerequisites: CHEM 2151 and CHEM 2152.

CHEM 6257. Physical-Organic Chemistry. 3 Credits.

The transition state theory of chemical kinetics, applications to reaction mechanisms; kinetic isotope effects, linear-free energy relationships, concentrated and “super” acids, Woodward–Hoffman rules, free radical reactions. Prerequisites: CHEM 6251 or permission of the instructor.

CHEM 6259. Polymer Chemistry. 3 Credits.

A study of the preparation, properties, and structure of macromolecules. Prerequisites: CHEM 2152 and CHEM 3170; or CHEM 3171; or permission of the instructor.

CHEM 6273. Chemical Thermodynamics. 3 Credits.

Application of thermodynamics to chemical problems. Emphasis on statistical calculation of thermodynamic properties. Prerequisite: CHEM 3172 or CHEM 6372.

CHEM 6277. Chemical Bonding. 3 Credits.

Quantum mechanics, approximate methods, electron spin, Pauli principle, atomic and molecular structure. Prerequisite: CHEM 3172 or CHEM 6372.

CHEM 6278. Molecular Spectroscopy. 3 Credits.

Applications of quantum mechanics and group theory to the interpretation of electronic, vibrational, rotational, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Prerequisite: CHEM 6277.

CHEM 6280. Energy and the Environment. 3 Credits.

Fundamentals of energy conversion in thermomechanical, thermochemical, electrochemical, and photoelectric processes in existing and future power and transportation systems, with emphasis on efficiency, environmental impact, and performance.

CHEM 6281. Environmental Chemistry: Air, Water, and Soil. 3 Credits.

Survey of the behavior, movement and impact of natural and man-made chemicals in all layers of the environment in the context of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere; the effects of acid rain, sewage treatment, ozone destruction, anthropogenic climate change, air pollution, and eutrophication.

CHEM 6282. Green Industrial Chemistry. 3 Credits.

Introduction to the basic design principles for greener chemical technologies; widely used practices, including catalysis, use of renewable starting materials, minimization of energy inputs, and use of greener solvents.

CHEM 6283. Chemical Toxicology and Rational Design of Safer Chemicals. 3 Credits.

Introduction to the basic tools and paradigms of toxicology in the context of chemical design for minimizing potential toxicity of commercial chemicals; computational methods for prediction of bioavailability, reactivity, bioaccumulation and different types of toxicity; application of in silico methods to the rational re-design of functional and safer chemicals.

CHEM 6284. Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 3 Credits.

Advanced analytical methodology for environmental assessment; analytical instrumentation, techniques for remote measurements, determination of trace atmospheric constituents of anthropogenic and natural origin, measurement uncertainty analysis, detection and identification of organic and inorganic pollutants in air, water, soil and biota, and the determination of heavy metals and radionuclides in the environment.

CHEM 6298. Capstone Seminar in Environmental and Green Chemistry. 3 Credits.

Group projects carried out with an external partner or client—such as a government agency, nonprofit group, or chemistry laboratory research project—that identify and solve real world scientific problems related to environmental and green chemistry.

CHEM 6314. Fundamental-Computational Chemistry. 3 Credits.


CHEM 6315. Computational Chem-Biomolecule. 3 Credits.

CHEM 6318. Science Communications in Practice. 3 Credits.

Communicating science beyond one’s immediate peers can prove challenging. This course will provide examples and plenty of opportunities for students to develop (science) communications skills, including presenting to non-scientist audiences.

CHEM 6320. Selected Topics in Analytical Chemistry. 1-3 Credits.

Advanced topics offered in a modular format to allow an in-depth examination of a self-selected field of analytical chemistry. One to three topics may be chosen for a given semester. May be repeated for credit.

CHEM 6322. Metabolomics for Biomedicine. 3 Credits.

Fundamentals of contemporary analytical techniques and their applications in solving metabolomics problems in biomedicine. Restricted to graduate students and undergraduate juniors and seniors. Prerequisites: CHEM 4122. Recommended background: Prior completion of an undergraduate-level instrumental analytical chemistry course, such as CHEM 4122, or permission of the instructor.

CHEM 6330. Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry. 1-3 Credits.

Advanced topics offered in a modular format to allow an in-depth examination of a self-selected field of inorganic chemistry. One to three topics may be chosen for a given semester. May be repeated for credit.

CHEM 6350. Selected Topics in Organic Chemistry. 1-3 Credits.

Advanced topics offered in a modular format to allow an in-depth examination of a self-selected field in organic chemistry. One to three topics may be chosen for a given semester. May be repeated for credit.

CHEM 6358. Synthesis and Structure Determination in Organic Chemistry. 3 Credits.

The design of syntheses for complex organic molecules; survey of modern synthetic methods, including asymmetric induction; spectroscopic methods of structure determination. Prerequisites: CHEM 6251 or permission of the instructor.

CHEM 6360. Chemical Biology and Biochemistry with Imaging Techniques. 3 Credits.

Fluorescence and electron microscopy (EM). Chemical biology tools and recent imaging advances, such as tetracysteine labelling with FlAsH, click chemistry, fluorescent unnatural amino acids, fluorescent sensors, multi-color electron microscopy, etc. Restricted to graduate students and undergraduate juniors and seniors. Prerequisites: CHEM 1111 and CHEM 1112. Recommended background: general chemistry and/or biochemistry.

CHEM 6370. Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry. 1-3 Credits.

Advanced topics offered in a modular format to allow an in-depth examination of a self-selected field of physical chemistry. One to three topics may be chosen for a given semester. May be repeated for credit.

CHEM 6371. Physical Chemistry I. 1-3 Credits.

Gas laws, chemical thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, kinetics, quantum chemistry, atomic and molecular spectra, structure of solids, liquids, and macromolecules. Students enrolled at the graduate level are expected to do additional work. Permission of the department required prior to enrollment.

CHEM 6372. Physical Chemistry II. 1-3 Credits.

Continuation of CHEM 6371. Basic concepts of quantum chemistry and molecular spectroscopy; application of modern physical chemistry theory to exploration of a wide range of physical properties for open and closed chemical systems in the gas and condensed phases. Restricted to students with permission of the department. Prerequisite: CHEM 6371. Same As: CHEM 3172.

CHEM 6390. Selected Topics in Chemistry. 3 Credits.

Advanced topics offered in a modular format to allow an in-depth examination of a self-selected field in chemistry. One to three topics may be chosen for a given semester. May be repeated for credit.

CHEM 6395. Research. 1-12 Credits.

Limited to master’s degree candidates. Survey of a topic approved by departmental staff and resulting in a written report and presentation of a seminar. Open to qualified students with advanced training. May be repeated for credit.

CHEM 6999. Thesis Research. 3,6 Credits.

Development of a thesis project and accompanying research. Restricted to students in the MS in chemistry program.

CHEM 8998. Advanced Reading and Research. 1-12 Credits.

May be repeated for credit. Restricted to doctoral candidates preparing for the general examination.

CHEM 8999. Dissertation Research. 3-12 Credits.

May be repeated for credit. Restricted to doctoral candidates.